Saturday, November 21, 2009

In Europe have defined the best advertising against AIDS

TV-spots developed by the Belgian office Euro RSCG Life, have been named by the best European social campaign for HIV prevention.

Clip & Klar Europe 2009

LoveWithin the limits of 12 European conferences, devoted to HIV questions, Mr. Thierry Martin, the director of the organisation “Plate-forme Prevention Sida” for which these TV spots have been developed, has received a prize “Clip and Klar Europe 2009”.

This prize has been awarded jury which consisted of experts in the field of communications and representatives of the organisations struggling with distribution of a HIV.

The purpose of campaign which has been started during summer vacations of 2009, was to explain to 15-25-year-old girls and young men, homosexuals necessity of use of a condom and to push them speaking about it prior to the beginning of sexual intercourse.

Please, use a condom!

Travel to the cancer country

Brazilian hospital Hospital de Câncer de Barretos asks to help with struggle against a cancer, having made donations.

Give money for cancer research!

Printing campaign from agency MatosGrey/G2 shows cages of a cancer and travellers about them.

Tumour cancer


Cancer tumour

Offer on cancer research!

To carry a knife in the Great Britain is a laughing-stock

The police of the Great Britain has started social campaign under the name "Ridiculous", developed by agency Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy to stop "Knife Culture".

Knife Culture

Knife CultureIn England even there was a special definition — Knife Culture. It when schoolboys carry with themselves a cold steel and prefer certain style in clothes. Usually they put on hoods.

Such teenagers have already earned reputation especially dangerous, capable to kill the person. Only for last two years at teenagers have selected 60,000 knifes.

With a knife you look as the idiot!

Victim of terrible road accidents

Advertising prints with awful pictures of a consequence of driving in a state of intoxication anticipate harmless inscriptions like "He ordered the Prawns", "He tripped on the dancefloor", "He bumped into the pool table".

Banal drunkenness

Agency Marketforce (Australia) has disguised drunkenness at the wheel for hackneyed phrases. However the text explains, that before these events more low, they were already drunk, and then also have sat down for a wheel.

He bump

He order

He trip

Has taken alcohol — do not sit down in the car!

Listen: ear-phones kill people!

DDB Sydney (Australia) has started social campaign which lifts a theme of a carelessness of pedestrians on the road, caused by use of ear-phones.

The agency underlines, that the set of teenagers dies, listening to the iPod's during street transition.


During street

Social campaign

Use of ear phones

Ipod — kills!

The creative idea shows wires from ear-phones as a chalk which lead round bodies of victims.

Social Projects: Stop Smoking!

If a cigarettes no off — they kill you!

Passive smoking
Shocking printing

A cigarettes have killed many people, STOP IT!

50-metre cigarette

As could and as it has turned out

The New Zealand transport agency was disturbed by a problem of excess of speed on city roads and has started in a television aether campaign «Slow Down».

Slow DownCampaign about necessity of observance of a high-speed mode for a city was developed by creative agency Clemenger BBDO.
Speech in a spot «Urban Speed» has gone how events could develop at the put speed and as they develop at excess even on 10 km/h.

The minute spot, shows to the spectator usual day, a usual trip of the young man going in the car with speed of 60 km/h instead of ordered 50. Throughout almost all roller of the spectator calm usual road situations with ease resolved in favour of all participants of traffic. As well as it is necessary, vigilance is lulled to show on purpose then much more fascinating action and to illustrate also the fallen asleep vigilance of the driver.

Which could stop here in thisnd, drive, speed, place if speed was on 10 km/h less.

But has not stopped.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How penis enlargement?

How to achieve stable erection? In any conversation on increase in a penis speech anyhow comes about one product — Vig-Rx. If to you there were comparative analyses of preparations for potentiality increase, erection, penis increases at each of them there was one name — Vig-Rx.

Penis enlargement standart

WomanAlso there is a simple explanation of why Vig-Rx is the standard penis enlargement on which measure all other preparations for penis increase. Any other preparation cannot provide such effective results penis enlargement, assured erection, a powerful potentiality — what patented preparation Vig-Rx guarantees. Millions men had time to check up unique influence of the formula of increase in a penis, erection, potentialities and... have believed in success!

The penis increase is carried out at the expense of growth of new fabrics of a penis, reaching a gain of muscular weight, as at body building. Thanks to it the size of a penis during a life increases by 0,5 sm a year. But it is possible to accelerate it!

In general opinion of representatives penis enlargement forum — when guarantees of increase in the penis are necessary to men, they trust it only Vig-Rx!

With the facts to argue it is impossible — after all, unlike other, known variants of increase in a sexual member, we have helped to increase all over the world hundreds thousand men the size of the sexual member and the sexual possibilities — a stable potentiality and fine erection.

If you are dissatisfied with the size of the penis, wish to strengthen sexual endurance, erection or simply to return power and energy of a youth, use penis enlargement pills Vig-Rx.
Vig-Rx Often try to simulate, but till now nobody has managed to repeat.

Natural Penis Enlargement

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dangerous driver's dreams

The New Zealand committee on safety of traffic Rodney District Council and agency SAATCHI & SAATCHI NEW ZEALAND have presented an advertising campaign, calling not to sit down a wheel in a sleepy condition.

Not to sleep during driving!

A series of prints shows the dozing driver who already starts to have dreams, but quite real objects "rush" into them from a counter strip.

Sheep in a dream

Soft dream

White clouds

Dangerous pink dreams

Karl Lagerfeld and social advertising

The known German designer of clothes Karl Lagerfeld has acted in film in an unusual advertising campaign, in an unusual image for itself.

Design protective waistcoat

At the desire of the French inspection of road safety Karl Lagerfeld became the protagonist of the new social campaign which purpose to convince drivers to put on fluorescing waistcoats when they leave at night on highway.

According to the French inspectors, posters with the image of the fashion designer in firm black glasses, an elegant suit, a tie-butterfly and a silly yellow waistcoat should make the necessary impression upon careless drivers.

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld for personal safety

According to the new law on traffic, since July, 1st, 2008 each French driver is obliged to have at itself in the car such yellow waistcoat.

The Olympic committee of the USA struggles with "star fever"

Olympic committee of the United States (USOC) and The Advertising Council declared start of the social campaign devoted to a problem of the use of steroids among youth.

Small star

False star

Campaign, first of all, is directed what to inform the population on a national problem of use of illegal stimulating preparations.

It is necessary to notice, that the partner of Olympic committee of the USA, and also the sponsor of an Olympic command of the USA is company Johnson & Johnson, one of the largest manufacturers of the goods for health.

False star

The spot "Don't be an Asterisk" tells about the young man, a star of a school command which throughout all sports competitions used excitants for maintenance of the physical form. The moment of solemn delivery of the main award has been marked by general contempt when on a forehead at the protagonist the small star has got out. Shameful defeat of the person and a pure victory of steroids.

Star forgery

The voice behind a shot speaks: "Eventually, all know, who you are actually. A false star".

Stop to smoke and you will live before interesting events....

Brazilian public organisation ADESF and agency NEOGAMA BBH foretell great opening in the future which those who will stop to smoke can see only and accordingly will live more.

The future which you will not see if will smoke

Barbie dolls

City traffic

Spontaneous opening


The near future

Open your eyes on fat

BBH London has presented a new advertising campaign for public organisation World Heart Federation.

Fat — is dangerous!

Dutch cheese

Fried meat

Oil packing

Rich rolls

Dangerous fat

Sensoa: do not hold in itself questions on sex

Sensoa, the Belgian governmental organisation on prevention of venereal illnesses, has started original and very curious campaign with an appeal — to know all about sex.

Know all about sex!

Full mouth of sperm

Sexual pose

Not to ask about sex!

To be the addict — that can be worse?

Organisation Partnership for a Drugfree continues advertising campaign Above The Influence.

Instead of want-whether to poison?

A series of posters shows, as various wreckers, such as cockroaches and rats, recommend each other the poison intended for their destruction. Thus drugs contact poison which will inevitably destroy the person.




Drugs are a poison!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Listermint shows, why it is sometimes better to be silent

JWT Sydney has developed an advertising campaign for freshness of breath Listermint Mouthwash which purpose was to underline effect "bad breath from a mouth" on people being nearby.

The awful smell — discharges

A series of prints shows as people open a mouth and associates need as to be discharged nothing in horror of them.

Boxing ring


Urgent help

It is sometimes better to be silent...

Means from a stomach swelling suggests to eat anywhere

JWT Sydney has changed names of the restaurants preparing a spicy food which can cause problems with a stomach.

Restaurant signboards

Nasi goreng — a sharp Indonesian dish from rice with various additives.
Nasty — disgusting, vile.


Сhili con carne — stewed beef forcemeat with sharp sauce from burning red pepper and a string bean (the Mexican dish).
Сarnage — slaughter, a bloody slaughter-house.


Sashimi — the Japanese dish from fresh fish and seafood.
Sus — reductions from suspicion — suspicion.


Do not eat a spicy food!

When painfully to swallow — accept Mebucaine

Belgian branch Saatchi & Saatchi Brussels has made very "tasty" prints for soothing Mebucaine (means against quinsy).

Food with a glass impregnation

Examining very appetizing prints from which slobbers flow, not at once you will notice glass impregnations in food. Thus, prints visualise a characteristic pain in a throat at quinsy.

Big Pizza

Great Cake

I love Sushi

Tasty Pineapple

Glass meal

Means against quinsy Mebucaine

The Swiss branch of agency SAATCHI & SAATCHI SIMKO has presented an advertising campaign for means Mebucaine which helps at pains with a throat.

Military fights in a mouth

A series of prints shows from within throats during operations.

Field of battles


Military actions

Win your pain a throat!