The leader of "al Kaida" Osama bin Laden in the last audioreference has declared that for the USA dangerously cooperation with Israel.
About it on September, 14th reports Reuters.
"The reason of our dispute with you — your support of your ally of Israel occupying our lands in Palestin", — the head of the terrorist organisation has told.
Also bin Laden has urged Americans to end operations in Afghanistan. "If you choose safety and the termination of wars as show polls, we are ready to respond", — the leader of "al Kaida" has declared.
Thus bin Laden has told that considers the US president as the person of no character, incapable to stop war. The leader of terrorists has declared that administration Obama's continues a heading of its predecessor George Bush.
Bin Laden's audioreference has been transferred on air of television channel As-Sahab controlled by "al Kaida". Record was broadcast against a photo of the leader of the terrorist organisation.
The Congressman of USA Joe Wilson who has accused US president in lie, has refused to apologise publicly for the act, informs AFP.
Wilson, the representative of Republican Party, on September, 9th when Obama acted in the Congress, representing the design of reform of system of public health services, has shouted: "You lie!". Wilson's replica has sounded after words of Obama's that the medical insurance will not be given illegal migrants. Wilson's words have sounded on the air — translation of the reference of the president to the Congress conducted the majority of the American television channels.
The speaker of the Congress of the USA Nensi Pilozi has demanded from Wilson publicly to apologise before congressmen for the behaviour. However the congressman has let know that it will not do. According to Wilson, it even in the evening on September, 9th has apologised personally before Obama and that has accepted its apologies. "Once again to apologise I do not intend", — the congressman on Sunday in interview to television channel Fox News has declared, — People fathom that I the polite person and am a question of a single instance".
What measure of affecting will be applied to Wilson, refused to apologise, will be solved within the next few days, has informed the Press Secretary of the speaker of the Congress. Most likely, censure will be expressed to it, assumes AFP.
The replica which has sounded during performance by Obama's, has added popularity to Wilson. In 2010 to Wilson representing in the Congress one of districts of the State of South Carolina, it is necessary to be re-elected on this post. Only from September, 9 till September, 13th, according to CNN, he has managed to involve in the pre-election fund of the donation for the sum exceeding million of dollars.
The leader of terrorist organisation "al Kaida" Osama bin Laden has acted with the audioreference addressed to inhabitants of the USA.
On it on September, 14th informs AFP referring to organisation IntelCenter tracing the publications of terrorists.
Bin Laden's reference has been transferred on air of television channel As-Sahab under control to "al Kaida". The audio record was accompanied by bin Laden's photo. What exactly contains in the message "the terrorist №1", to Americans yet is not informed.
Bin Laden's message, marks agency, has appeared after some days after an anniversary of acts of terrorism in the USA which have been carried out on September, 11th, 2001 by insurgents of "al Kaida". In IntelCenter, in turn, have added that throughout last years bin Laden regularly acts with references during the period from September till October.
Last reference of the leader of "al Kaida" to the West, reminds AFP, has been published on June, 3rd. In that message bin Laden has derided aspirations of the US president to adjust friendship with the Islamic world, having foretold that the conflict between the West and the East will be torqued for decades.
President Barack Obama has condemned murder of the Michigan opponent of abortions, informs Associated Press.
James Pouillon has been shot on Friday, on September, 11th, during single picket near school in the small city of Owosso. Local businessman Mike Fuoss became a victim of the murderer whom have arrested later this very day, also.
In the statement of the president published on Sunday, destruction of Pouillon it is named by regrettable. "You would not occupy what party in public debate, the violence never is a right answer", — the president has added. As writes The New York Times, Pouillon was known in Owosso as "the person with the poster" thanks to the constant pickets which he spent near various establishments. When the 63-year-old active worker have shot, he had control over the poster with the image of the child and an inscription "Life" on one party and with the image абортированного a fruit and an inscription "Abortion" on another.
The local resident, the driver of truck Harlan J. Drake is convicted of murder of Pouillon. Motive of murder in Office of Public Prosecutor name hostility: as to Pouillon, that irritated the murderer with the protest actions. Before arrest Drake has made unsuccessful attempt of suicide, it hospitalised. He has told to inspectors that planned to kill one more person.
Debate about an admissibility of artificial interruption of pregnancy is of great importance for a public life of the USA and quite often gets fierce forms, however death of Pouillon — the first known murder of the opponent of abortions. Conservative political commentator Bill O'Reilly has shown discontent with that the destruction of Pouillon has received a smaller resonance, than May murder of doctor George Tiller — the expert in pregnancy interruption on late term.
US president Barack Obama has acted on medium, on September, 9th, with the reference to the Congress in which has stated the basic points of the program of reforming of system of public health services, informs Associated Press.
According to Obama's, at the heart of the plan of reforms three purposes lie. The first of them is improvement of conditions of medical insurance for those citizens who have already got the policy. In particular, it is a question of restriction of insurance payments and an interdiction for insurers to establish limits of cost of programs of treatment.
The second purpose of the program is creation of a stock exchange for insurers which will allow to get the insurance for reasonable money to those Americans at whom it while is not present. At this Obama has noticed that for legal and physical persons who have no sufficient agents, credits and reduced prices will be provided.
The third point of the plan provides introduction of obligatory medical insurance which will allow to cut down not planned budgetary expenses on payment of treatment of not insured persons. The given innovation will concern only those citizens and establishments who are able pay corresponding payments.
According to Obama's, the total cost of the program calculated for ten years, will make 900 billion dollars. He has assured legislators that these expenses will not lead to the further growth of budgetary deficiency, and has underlined that reform will manage to the country more cheaply wars in Afghanistan and Iraq or reductions of the taxes undertaken by administration of George Bush.
According to the plan of administration, an agent for reform will be received for the account of reduction of other articles of budgetary expenses, and also more rational distribution of incomes in the sector of medical insurance. In the long term, has noted Obama if it will be possible to limit rates of increase of expenses on insurance, the budget will win at least four billion dollars.
Besides, Obama has assured that expenses on reform do not threaten interests of elderly Americans, having explained that efficiency of program Medicare serving them will be on the contrary enlarged. Thus the president has answered statements of critics that reform will be spent to injury to elderly citizens.
Reforming of system of public health services is one of key points of the program of Obama's. Earlier it was informed, what exactly this project became the reason of depression of popularity of the president. The organisations of conservative sense in different states organise protest actions on which blame the Washington authorities for criminal wastefulness.
Dispute on public health services reform in the USA has once again ended with fight.
As writes Ventura County Star, during collision on meeting in California to the elderly opponent of reform have bitten off an arm finger. The person of the supporter of changes is not established, it is searched by the authorities.
Incident has occurred in the city of Tauzend-Ouks where in the evening on medium, on September, 2nd, took place meeting of supporters of the reform offered by administration of the American president. The victim, 65-year-old local resident William Rice, were included into small group of the "counterdemonstrators", come to show to participants of meeting the discontent.
The unknown man in black, participating in the meeting organised by liberal group, has entered with suffered in fierce dispute. Rice subsequently recognised that he the first has struck the opponent on a nose as has not endured insults and wished itself to protect. In the fastened fight the opponent has bitten off to it a little finger part on the left arm.
The bitten active worker has gone to local hospital, and its opponent has disappeared from a place of skirmish before police arrival. One of colleagues of Rice has found the bitten off finger, but restore its doctors could not: at a human sting the considerable quantity of harmful bacteria is transferred.
The reform of Obamas referred on creation of uniform universal system of public health services, is not confirmed yet by legislators and causes in the USA appreciable disputes. As writes The Boston Globe, next week the president plans to address to both chambers of the Congress in which will underline necessity of operative carrying out of reform.
In Washington on Saturday, on September, 12th, before buildings of the White dwelling and the Capitol many thousands demonstration on which there have arrived inhabitants from all ends of the USA has gathered, informs Associated Press. The action under the name "March on Washington" became a final provision in a series of the so-called "tea drinking" starting in the end of August and the past more than in 30 states. Naming their "tea drinking", organizers appealed to "the Boston tea drinking" 1773 — actions of disobedience of colonists of America concerning the British corona which has installed excessive taxes.
Participants of meeting in Washington have given special attention to reform of system of public health services which has already called the active criticism from outside conservatives.
Many from come on demonstration accused the American president of adherence to ideas of communism and a socialism, notes Agence France Presse. The police could not define even approximate quantity of participants of the action, however, according to AFP, organizers volplaned to collect from 20 to 30 thousand persons.
Protest action against administration Obamas economic policy has passed despite its recent performance in which course he has promised that reform of system of public health services will not lead to an aggravation of a problem of budgetary deficiency.
In the USA the founder of investment fund Private Equity Management Group Danny Pang suspected of creation of a financial pyramid and an abuse of regulations of a financial accounting has died.
Pang has died in hospital soon after hospitalisation. As the representative of a family of the dead has informed, the heart disease became a cause of death, reports Reuters.
Suspected of swindle official accusation on the case of illegal transfer of the large sum from a company account has been brought. As they say in materials of business, Pang by means of the employees and members of a family has cashed 38 cheques for the little less than 10,000 dollars each. Thereby the financier has bypassed a request about the obligatory reporting before regulating bodies.
Besides, the Commission on securities and exchanges of the USA has accused Penga of a deceit of investors. According to the commission, Pang used the scheme of Pontsi (in other words, has created a financial pyramid), thus he asserted that pays to investors money from profit on investments into insurance business. For the period of investigation of Pang has been released on the security in 1 million dollars.
As reports Bloomberg, among investors of the company there were 8 financial organisations and 35 well-founded investors-physical persons. The sum of investments is evaluated in 823 million dollars.
Legislative assembly of California has approved the plan according to which with a view of reduction of financing of prisons for two years from them will ahead of schedule release to 25,000 prisoners on Friday.
On it informs edition The Los Angeles Times.
The information on that a part of the concluded Californian prisons can receive freedom, have appeared even in the summer when the staff authorities discussed measures on reduction of budgetary deficiency. In particular, it was informed that from prisons are going to let out about 27,000 persons that would allow to save 1,2 billion dollars of budgetary funds.
According to LA Times, the new plan became compromise as earlier the Senate of California already has had time to approve the project providing reduction of the population of prisons for two years on 37,000 of persons. At the same time decrease in number of prisoners which it is planned to release, has led to that budgetary deficiency of staff will not be completely extinguished and will constitute more than 200 million dollars.
The sources of the edition close to administration of California, approve that, despite fiscal problems, governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, predictably, the document will sign.
Meanwhile the law can leave unresolved and a problem of congestion of prisons of staff. In the beginning of August federal judges in reply to numerous claims from the concluded Californian correctional institutions have enacted that to the middle of September on freedom should leave more than 40,000 persons. Now in staff prisons contain about 170,000 prisoners.
Schwarzenegger has counted such decision rash and has promised to challenge it in the Supreme Court. In its opinion, the staff administration, instead of federal court should solve a problem of overpopulation of prisons. At the same time the prospect of clearing of a great number of prisoners strongly irritates the population of California.
Against employees of division on struggle against a drug trafficking of police of Philadelphia two claims in which them accuse of illegal searches, a robbery and destruction of proofs are submitted.
Newspaper Philadelphia Daily News informs on it on Friday.
Charges became result of a series of publications in the newspaper which has begun in February, 2009. In the first materials the assumption that policeman Jeffrey Cujdik some times requested warrants on a search contained, being based on obviously false information. Then the newspaper knew that Cujdik, his brother and other employees of division spent illegal searches in shops belonging to immigrants and that those could not complain, cut out video observation cameras.
As approves the initiator of one of claims, policemen maliciously and deliberately destroyed its property, took the drinks exposed on sale and products, and also stole the goods and money. The damage from actions of public agents has constituted about $10,000.
While it only one this sort of claim (the second concerns an illegal search not in shop, and in the private house). However the newspaper has indications of other owners of shops which also have suffered from actions of policemen.
After the publication of articles policemen have been translated for paper work. To investigation of the charges which have been informally put forward by dealers, FBI was connected.
The eighth anniversary of acts of terrorism of 2001 has been noted in New York by a peal and minute of silence.
Minute of silence has begun at 8 o'clock 46 minutes of morning local time — at this particular time days eight years ago first from the liners stolen by terrorists ran into northern tower of the World Trade Center.
In the same time minute of silence with participation of president Barack Obama, his wife and employees of the presidential apparatus passed Michel near the White dwelling in Washington. In 2009 on September, 11th for the first time it is noted as National day of service and memory. Victims of acts of terrorism of 2001 in New York, in suburb of Washington and in the State of Pennsylvania in total steels about three thousand persons.
On Manhattan where at a collapse of towers-twins and the subsequent salvage operations 2700 persons have perished approximately, at once after a minute of silence have started to read to the list of victims of terrorists solemnly. Addressing to the ceremony beginning, the mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has urged fellow citizens "to protect memory of those who has died", having revived spirit of voluntary charities. In National day of service on all country it is offered to Americans to participate in various charitable actions.
President Obama later on Friday should assign a wreath to a memorial to victims of terrorists in a building of the Pentagon which is had in the Washington suburb Arlington. The second person in the state, vice-president Joe Biden, participated in the New York ceremony. AP notes that the quantity of the people who have gathered near a place where before there were towers-twins, in 2009 is insignificant — all some hundreds persons.
On September, 11th, 2001 three airplanes stolen by agents of a terrorist "al Kaida", ran into the New York skyscrapers and the Pentagon, and the fourth, going towards capital, has fallen and has broken in a city district of Shanksville in state of Pennsylvania. In the eighth anniversary of acts of terrorism on all country pass memorable provisions, the presentation of a school heading which is devoted on September, 11th also has been dated for it and will be tested in several states.
Discussion of reform of the public health services offered by the American president, in Florida has ended with squabble.
Disorders have occurred on an occurring of congressmen to the voters, passing in Ibor-city, district in a northeast part of the city of Tampa. Numerical advantage was on the party of opponents of reform.
The occurring with voters has been organised Betty Reed, a member of the House of Representatives of staff from Democratic party, and before the gathered should act a member of federal House of Representatives Kathy Castor which is the active supporter of reform of public health services. Excitements have begun after crowd from five hundred persons, has gathered at an input in the hall of meetings located in local school council.
Part gathered which represented different groups of supporters and opponents of reform, could not get to a hall, calculated all on 250 persons, and between them skirmishes have begun. Meanwhile Kastor within 15 minutes tried to begin performance, but opponents muffled its exclamations "You work on us!" And "Tyranny, tyranny!". As a result the woman-member of parliament had to leave an occurring.
If in Tampa disorders have done without arrests in Melville, the State of Missouri, policemen had to detain six persons. As informs St. Louis Post-Dispatch, there with voters federal congressman-democrat Russ Carnahan has arranged an occurring. Two from arrested persons are suspected of an attack on the black conservative active worker Kenneth Gladney distributing on meeting place propaganda materials. According to Gladney, one of attacking, also the Negro, used the racial insult in its address.
This sort of disorders throughout last week arose in different states: the House of Representatives of the USA has dispersed on a vacation, and congressmen suit occurrings in the districts. According to democrats, including the Press Secretary of The White House Robert Gibbs, excitements speak the planned provocations from outside the conservative forces dissatisfied with the plan of creation of national system of medical insurance and other aspects politicians Obamas.
The agency 303 has developed a series of prints for Australian organisation Royal Life Saving which deals with problems of accidents on water with children and adults.
The advertising campaign warns against bathing in a condition of alcoholic intoxication.
Slogan: «Almost half of all adult drowning deaths involve alcohol».
Shocking social advertising spot Motor Neurone Disease Assotiation is forbidden to display to children till 15 years.
The public health association on struggle with Motor Neurone Disease Assotiation sponsored an advertising spot visually and very naturally showing gradual physical deterioration of health of the woman who were ill MND.
Motor Neurone Disease is quickly progressing disease of impellent joints which leads to a lethal outcome. Causes of illness, as well as medicines, while are unknown to doctors. Life expectancy of patients MND makes from 2 till 5 years. In one Great Britain at least 5 persons daily die of this incurable illness.
In the spot name the name of the real character is used. Sarah is the young woman sick MND whom, director Jim Weedon has involved as the adviser at creation of an advertising spot.
Irish agency McCann Erickson Dublin for National Service on cancer revealing has made social video in which has skilfully transformed the young girl into the elderly woman.
Transformation is carried out for 30 seconds and is practically imperceptible for eyes. Only after the lapse of a certain time interval the person notices, that the pretty young girl, not losing, however, the beauty, grows old on eyes. Red hair brighten, the physiognomy becomes covered by wrinkles, eyes lose shine... For installation of this social video, advertising agency Finish London has connected physiognomies of three women of different generations from one family.
This reception McCann Erickson Dublin and Toytown Films used to illustrate about what it is spoken in a trailer. That each woman varies, and we any of these changes see, and any are not present. And here those invisible changes can essentially reduce a life of the woman — imperceptibly appearing cancer of a neck of a uterus is necessary for revealing as soon as possible because in this case it is possible to guarantee practically to the woman yet one year of a happy life.
CervicalCheck is a new social public health service in Ireland which carries out free screening of all women of Ireland from 25 till 60 years. Social video has the purpose to tell to women about this problem and to invite them to inspection.
Canadian agency Cossette has created a social trailer of "The Uterus Eye".
In a province British Columbia has taken place week of the Prevention of the Cancer of the Neck of the Uterus and Cossette by request of British Columbia Cancer Agency has created short and very simple trailer which was broadcast at cinemas and showed all simplicity and speed of check on new growths.
The roller of "The Uterus Eye" shows to the spectator an office of the doctor and actually the doctor taking the analysis, as if "uterus eyes".
The curtains opening and closing the screen, it is easy to imagine as vertical eyelids, from here and the courageous name of a spot.
The trend of influence of an audience on a course of the advertising message and direct interaction with an audience continues to remain one of the main things in the advertising industry. Also receives the increasing development — the first-ever interactive quest is started.
In this quest each visitor YouTube can build itself a logic chain of events and or get to prison, or on a party.
Look also the first-ever site on YouTube agencies BooneOackly.
The London police has started the Internet-campaign «Drop The Weapons» of which tries to convince youth of London not to carry with itself in streets of any weapon. Because anyhow, good it will not come to an end. The interactive campaign consisting of several trailers, connected among themselves in chains, suggests audiences to choose independently the further actions by the heroes, which eyes the spectator looks at an event.
The spectator is involved in this game with consequences the first trailer where and it is necessary to make the first choice: to take or not to take a kitchen knife with themselves on street where friends call the hero. And it not unique time when it is necessary to solve in favor of the weapon or against as the situation in not tourist quarters of London is that, that the weapon, both cold, and fire, in streets at youth is too much. In this connection the city authorities start campaigns with appeals to refuse a cold steel the third year: «Carry a knife and be a laughing-stock», «Carry a knife, and it will be easier to criminal than you to kill», «Carry a knife, and consequences will be».
Each variant in campaign of this year involves the whole history, but the variant with a knife in any case comes to an end badly.
Branch of police of city Elm Grove (USA, Wisconsin) and advertising agency Cramer-Krasselt have presented social campaign against excess of speed on roads.
On posters current speed of the car, moving nearby billboards is placed. Together with it, the figure is introduced in the basic message, for example: «42 000 dollars of expenses on failure», «30% chance to have an accident», «46 days in hospital».
Children's television channel Nickelodeon has united with organisation Safe Kids USA and has started in States the television spot which has been thought up by director Harry Cocciolo from Tool.
Nickelodeon tries to influence rather adult part of the audience — on teenagers. Which go with players, correspond a constant with friends on sms and endlessly crack by phone. That at road transition can affect in the most sad image. In a roller «Chicken» the famous is beaten to Americans a joke, which already more than 160 years. It is a riddle «Why did the chicken cross the road?». To a hen from a riddle have given a kind of the teenager which it is important and very inattentive with a iPod player in ears goes on sidewalk, and then also inattentively tries to pass road.
After the down and feathers have settled on asphalt, in a shot there is an invited star — actress Jennette McCurdy which name does not speak anything to adults, and here to children and teenagers the actress is known as Sam Puckett from show iCarly.
«It is unimportant, why you pass street. To pass road, you need to show attention. Cease to correspond, hide mobile, switch off music... And it is a hen-stuntman»
Spot «Cow» about danger of the writing sms at the wheel, left three weeks ago, many already named the most powerful social advertising.
Television critics of the USA already with might and main argue, whether not too shocks a social spot of potential televiewers. And in the meantime, the given spot, curiously and uncompromisingly named Gwent Police Department «Cow — the Film which will force you to stop to write messages at the wheel» provokes headings worldwide, and all press has focused the attention to the extremely severe display of the road tragedy which have happened because of three inattentive girls, one of which wrote sms, driving the car, and entailed weight of terrible death and serious physical and moral traumas.
The director of film Peter Watkins-Hughes has told to edition Boards about creation of a social spot.
“The death in road incidents is the greatest murderer of young men in Britain at the age from 13 till 35 years. And it is frequent, emergency conditions use of mobile phones at the wheel are the result. What for to give all life to tell to someone, what you, similar, will be late minutes for five? It not seems to me it is fair. In this country driving and simultaneous use of a mobile phone illegally, but the majority of young men does not understand why. And so this social message urged to fill the given blank”.