Monday, September 14, 2009

The opponent of abortions have shot near Michigan school

Murder place

President Barack Obama has condemned murder of the Michigan opponent of abortions, informs Associated Press.

James Pouillon has been shot on Friday, on September, 11th, during single picket near school in the small city of Owosso. Local businessman Mike Fuoss became a victim of the murderer whom have arrested later this very day, also.

In the statement of the president published on Sunday, destruction of Pouillon it is named by regrettable. "You would not occupy what party in public debate, the violence never is a right answer", — the president has added. As writes The New York Times, Pouillon was known in Owosso as "the person with the poster" thanks to the constant pickets which he spent near various establishments. When the 63-year-old active worker have shot, he had control over the poster with the image of the child and an inscription "Life" on one party and with the image абортированного a fruit and an inscription "Abortion" on another.

The local resident, the driver of truck Harlan J. Drake is convicted of murder of Pouillon. Motive of murder in Office of Public Prosecutor name hostility: as to Pouillon, that irritated the murderer with the protest actions. Before arrest Drake has made unsuccessful attempt of suicide, it hospitalised. He has told to inspectors that planned to kill one more person.

Debate about an admissibility of artificial interruption of pregnancy is of great importance for a public life of the USA and quite often gets fierce forms, however death of Pouillon — the first known murder of the opponent of abortions. Conservative political commentator Bill O'Reilly has shown discontent with that the destruction of Pouillon has received a smaller resonance, than May murder of doctor George Tiller — the expert in pregnancy interruption on late term.

Photo by: CBS News

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