Monday, December 14, 2009

Gentle Teacher: Dita Von Teese

Retro girl

Freakish altars Greenpeace from a paper and metal

Saatchi & Saatchi (Poland) have executed installations from paper and metal dust for campaign Greenpeace — Reincarnation.

Sacrificial altar

Works of the Polish advertisement makers — the real creativity, here weight of details, as a matter of fact — small dust (a coin, a stopper, a napkin, the newspaper). Heaps of artly spread out dust finally form some kind of "altar" on which there should be "regeneration" of a waste in new products.


Sacrificial altar

Altar Greenpeace

Social stylisation

Graffiti and street art was above for a long time already age of the children's protest.

Social graffiti

Social prints of Indonesian advertising agency Petakumpet once again confirm this statement. Certainly, it is more stylistics of early American comics, but placed on a wall, let even virtual, plays a role of street drawings walls.

Dust cleaning

Street graffiti

Street repair

Game in graffiti

McCann Erickson Paris: Green in the green

The French social advertising urges to be "more legible" with dust.

Green dust in the green container!

Not all is fine in the Danish kingdom — and in Europe, similar, quite often miss by a garbage tank. With a view of increase of "garbage literacy" Parisian office McCann Erickson has developed the scale advertising campaign including printing and ambient means for the mayoralty of Paris.

Yellow dust

Green dust

Yellow container

Yellow dust in the yellow container!

Painted in colours of corresponding containers (green — for a food waste, yellow — for industrial) the dust urges Parisians to sort dust correctly. Thanks.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Effective Teeth Whitening


How the whitening effect will long remain?

Far not everyone has by nature snow-white smile. Colour of tooth enamel varies from yellow to blue shades. Thus, according to many experts, yellow colour of tooth enamel — an indicator of stronger teeth, unlike white.

Stomatologists argue till now: whether bleaching of a teeth is harmful? To reduce negative influence of the various means used at bleaching, it is necessary to carry out full survey of a mouth for an exception of probability of contra-indications on carrying out of stomatologic procedure. Without dependence from that, it is planned to use plates for bleaching of a teeth or the laser, it is necessary to exclude allergic reactions to peroxide of hydrogen and other used substances. Teeth whitening help it is recommended to receive at the qualified stomatologist.

Also there is a number of contra-indications: pregnancy and feeding by a breast, presence of caries, diseases of a mouth or a periodontosis, a microcrack of enamel or seals with which it is necessary to replace, and also a hypersensibility of a teeth or gums and weak enamel.

The teeth whitening — the health of your teeth!

It is necessary to notice, that the stomatologist will specify, that at a choice of a certain way of bleaching an artificial teeth, crowns will not change the colour. Therefore, if prosthetics is planned, it is desirable to be engaged at first in bleaching of a teeth that it was then easier to pick up necessary colour for a crown or a seal.

Crest White StripsTo children till 16 years apply special equipment (the laser or ultrasound) only in a direction of the doctor. And here paste for bleaching of a teeth or bleaching plates can be used as system of house bleaching of a teeth.

As a rule, in spite of the fact that all process of bleaching of a teeth (not including laser uses), lasts not one week, desirable result can be reached only in case of carrying out of several procedures. In a year colour of tooth enamel can again start to turn yellow, therefore, home teeth whitening — it is necessary to repeat.

Also, for a long time to keep effect of a snow-white smile, it is necessary to clean a teeth after each food intake, especially after meal and the drinks containing painting pigments (tea, coffee, red wine, a beet etc.). Modern bleaching systems for a teeth and carefully picked up good bleaching paste will allow to make a smile dazzling for long time.

Crest white strips contain safe in relation to enamel bleaching concert which bleaches a teeth in 10 times better any bleaching paste.

How use the whitening strips?

* Clean a teeth;
* Open packing;
* Place a strip to a forward teeth;
* Wait 30 minutes;
* It is recommended to use 28 strips within 14 days for a forward top teeth then to repeat procedure for the bottom teeth, too within 14 days (there are strips specially for top and for the bottom teeth which are not recommended to be carried simultaneously);
* During carrying of strips it is not recommended to accept food, to drink, smoke or sleep.

Your teeth will keep effect of bleaching within 6 months, at least. It is necessary to notice, that duration of effect will depend also on how often you use coffee, tea, red wine (dark drinks) and how often you smoke.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The pain is an infinite conveyor

Parisian agency TBWA/MAP has continued campaign for public organisation Douleurs Sans Frontieres (the Pain without borders), begun in April of this year a series of prints.

Recurrence of a pain

Messages Douleurs Sans Frontieres speak about a pain tested by people in the countries where there are confrontations where hunger and poverty. About a pain not only physical, but also certainly moral. Especially DSF underlines recurrence of the nature of a pain, and also what to struggle with a pain it is necessary constantly.

Cyclic war

Deadly cycle

Recurrence of death

The television spot opens idea of printing campaign in more details. The pain is an infinite conveyor of constant psychological and physical sufferings. The protagonist of a spot — the boy who despite all horrors continues to keep and go, but the boy again and again appears in the same situations.

Cyclic life

The campaign purpose — to make so that people have reflected on a pain of other people and have helped them by means of donations.

Campaign for gathering of books for children

Canadian agency Bleublancrouge has created a spot and prints to campaign "The Gift of Reading" on gathering of books to requiring children. This year agency Bleublancrouge has joined struggle against illiteracy and narrowness of private worlds of some children.

Food for our imagination

Gaƫtan Namouric, Executive Vice-President and Creative Director: "In Quebec there are children who in general do not have any new book. Reading is a food for our imagination. And when the child does not have possibility to read, the world grows dull... This improbable injustice should mobilise people and the organisations, working in culture, media and advertising. What will be our future if people do not understand our messages?"


Invalid carriage

Defective fantastic heroes

The spot and prints in which to us show the sick, old and unfortunate Cinderella, Peter Pena, the Gnome and other well-known heroes of the best children's fairy tales is a metaphorical illustration of the future of human culture and inferiority of consciousness of the person.

Campaign slogan: "When we do not read, the imagination disappears".

The nature smartens up

Holland advertising agency Black Magic Marker has presented advertising prints «Naturemakeoverday».

Animal as people


Cosmetic procedure

Hair curlers

Amusing animals

Animal — not things

Public organisation Animal Anti-Cruelty League and agency Lowe Bull (republic of South Africa) urge to stop violence over animals.

Do not offend pets!

A series of prints calls the public concerns animals more responsibly, to impart feeling of care to younger friends to the person.




Pets demand care!

Monday, December 7, 2009

The "transparent" humanitarian lorry

German advertising agency AUFBRUCH has thought up "transparent" registration of the lorry with a slogan "Always there is a place for your help".

The place is always!

Fund Action Medeor is engaged in gathering of the humanitarian help. The organisation truck transport passes more than 100,000 km a year, collecting donations of private persons from Germany, as have decided to use in agency AUFBRUCH.


The "transparent" lorry in advertising of the humanitarian help

As a house of cards

Last winter agency Leo Burnett London has started, perhaps, best spot devoted to consequences of world financial crisis in the Great Britain.

Welfare fund Shelter, dealing with problems of the homeless, has told in a spot «House Of Cards» about the homeless by means of a magnificent drawing and a track «Videotape» groups Radiohead.

The Card House

The spot «House Of Cards» has been directed on paying attention to a fragile and unstable situation with habitation in Britain now, that in the near future many and many people can be moved from the houses, on that those who has seen a spot, have offered money in fund Shelter which can help the homeless. The present and future.

In a spot city quarter as though from a window of a train passing on an embankment is shown. The part of houses this quarter is made of playing cards which start to be scattered.

Real crisis of habitation

«Approximately 75,000 houses will be withdrawn for non-payments this year. And about two millions families expect social habitation. Habitation crisis is real. Please, help us to help people and support».
The spot has received silver in Cannes, NYF and on Clio, gold on ANDY and ADC.

P90X — The most effective system of fitness


The system of trainings P90X includes 12 various parts. The full cycle of trainings (according to recommendations of the developer of system) makes three months.

The developer offers to use the program under three versions:

1. Lean Version. Cardio trainings prevail. It is recommended for beginners.
2. Classic Version. The balanced power trainings. For a preparation average level.
3. Doubles Version. It is increased number of trainings (morning and evening). For the advanced.


System P90X3 managements which will give you the exhaustive information to start trainings.

The 3-phase Plan of a Food of system PX90 is developed to help on purpose to you to get rid from superfluous fat.

Fitness the Guide of system P90X is supplied by the valuable information on fitness to help you to take a maximum of advantage from the program.

Video "As It to Reach" for the fast review of all system of training P90X Extreme Home Fitness.


12 extremely various and effective series of exercises!

Unwritten children's destiny

BBDO Mexico has developed campaign for fund Sabritas which is engaged in the help to homeless children, needy and to children from unsuccessful families.

Basic work Sabritas — supply of such children by school education and meal, and also the general supervision in local shelters. All it becomes on payments and donations which, traditionally, does not happen much.

Shared money with needy children

That people shared money with children, has been made three animation rollers in which the basic leitmotif sounds so — the destiny of such children is not written up to the end, and people have a possibility to change the future history of their life to the best.
Three spots develop this thought, each time coming little bit further and changing in destinies of children is little bit more.

The destiny is not written. Let's destiny change

Barack Obama has apologised for not made

Agency Arc Communications in the Great Britain has developed external campaign for the ecological project «Tck tck tck».

The ecological project «Tck tck tck»

Let's remind, that the project «Tck tck tck» has been started by organisation Global Humanitarian Forum in this summer at the International festival of advertising Cannes Lions. The purpose of the project headed by Kofi Annan, the former secretary general of the United Nations, attraction of attention of the world community to the International conference on climate COP15 which will take place in Copenhagen in December of this year.

Advertising agencies in the different countries join the initiative, free of charge developing advertising campaigns for Tck tck tck.

President of America

German chancellor

I'm sorry

Italian president

President of Russia

Change the future now!

English advertisement makers from agency Arc have developed prints of the next 2020. On billboards the political leaders who have grown old on 11 years apologise that catastrophic changes of a climate could stop, but have not made it. The campaign slogan «Act now — Change the future» urges to be activated now to change the future.

The truth about tobacco

In 2007 bronze in Cannes in a category "social advertising" it is awarded to a social spot "Singing Cowboy" for antinicotinic campaign The Truth.

Song of the sick cowboy

Agencies Arnold Worldwide and Crispin Porter + Bogusky have shown a small sketch in streets of New York. As the cowboy on a horse (a parallel with an image of cigarettes Marlboro) has arrived to a halt and began to sing with a companion a song under a guitar. All anything, yes only was sung by the cowboy not in the most usual and habitual image — through a hole in a throat. After operation on a throat, caused by long-term smoking, it is unique possibility to publish articulate sounds.

Possibly you will not die of tobacco...

And in a cheerful song it is sung that "you not always die of tobacco, sometimes you simply lose a lung. You not always die of tobacco, sometimes to you simply cut out language. And you cannot beautifully sing because of the big hole in your neck. Because you not always die of tobacco".

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Luxury Bags Louis Vuitton

The clothes, no doubt, are to the most important components of appearance, however it is impossible to ignore accessories and one of the main things attribute of a female image — female bags.

Brand Louis Vuitton

Bags Louis VuittonOften happens so what exactly incorrectly chosen female bags are capable to spoil all kind even if on women magnificent things are put on. Therefore not casually fashion-maker of a world scale, such as Louis Vuitton, always gave special attention to such elements, as female bags.

After all Louis Vuitton handbags is main addition to a created image. To buy a bag presently — not a problem, and here to choose qualitative and exclusive — it is problematic.

Modern female bags happen every possible forms, dimensions, colour shades and structures, and also there are also copies of elite bags. To buy a bag it is necessary to spend a lot of time. So was earlier. And now, to buy Louis Vuitton bags is much easier, simply come into Internet shop of bags. Besides on a site you can get purses and footwear of this well-known brand.

Elite LV bags

Saturday, November 21, 2009

In Europe have defined the best advertising against AIDS

TV-spots developed by the Belgian office Euro RSCG Life, have been named by the best European social campaign for HIV prevention.

Clip & Klar Europe 2009

LoveWithin the limits of 12 European conferences, devoted to HIV questions, Mr. Thierry Martin, the director of the organisation “Plate-forme Prevention Sida” for which these TV spots have been developed, has received a prize “Clip and Klar Europe 2009”.

This prize has been awarded jury which consisted of experts in the field of communications and representatives of the organisations struggling with distribution of a HIV.

The purpose of campaign which has been started during summer vacations of 2009, was to explain to 15-25-year-old girls and young men, homosexuals necessity of use of a condom and to push them speaking about it prior to the beginning of sexual intercourse.

Please, use a condom!

Travel to the cancer country

Brazilian hospital Hospital de CĆ¢ncer de Barretos asks to help with struggle against a cancer, having made donations.

Give money for cancer research!

Printing campaign from agency MatosGrey/G2 shows cages of a cancer and travellers about them.

Tumour cancer


Cancer tumour

Offer on cancer research!

To carry a knife in the Great Britain is a laughing-stock

The police of the Great Britain has started social campaign under the name "Ridiculous", developed by agency Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy to stop "Knife Culture".

Knife Culture

Knife CultureIn England even there was a special definition — Knife Culture. It when schoolboys carry with themselves a cold steel and prefer certain style in clothes. Usually they put on hoods.

Such teenagers have already earned reputation especially dangerous, capable to kill the person. Only for last two years at teenagers have selected 60,000 knifes.

With a knife you look as the idiot!

Victim of terrible road accidents

Advertising prints with awful pictures of a consequence of driving in a state of intoxication anticipate harmless inscriptions like "He ordered the Prawns", "He tripped on the dancefloor", "He bumped into the pool table".

Banal drunkenness

Agency Marketforce (Australia) has disguised drunkenness at the wheel for hackneyed phrases. However the text explains, that before these events more low, they were already drunk, and then also have sat down for a wheel.

He bump

He order

He trip

Has taken alcohol — do not sit down in the car!

Listen: ear-phones kill people!

DDB Sydney (Australia) has started social campaign which lifts a theme of a carelessness of pedestrians on the road, caused by use of ear-phones.

The agency underlines, that the set of teenagers dies, listening to the iPod's during street transition.


During street

Social campaign

Use of ear phones

Ipod — kills!

The creative idea shows wires from ear-phones as a chalk which lead round bodies of victims.

Social Projects: Stop Smoking!

If a cigarettes no off — they kill you!

Passive smoking
Shocking printing

A cigarettes have killed many people, STOP IT!

50-metre cigarette

As could and as it has turned out

The New Zealand transport agency was disturbed by a problem of excess of speed on city roads and has started in a television aether campaign «Slow Down».

Slow DownCampaign about necessity of observance of a high-speed mode for a city was developed by creative agency Clemenger BBDO.
Speech in a spot «Urban Speed» has gone how events could develop at the put speed and as they develop at excess even on 10 km/h.

The minute spot, shows to the spectator usual day, a usual trip of the young man going in the car with speed of 60 km/h instead of ordered 50. Throughout almost all roller of the spectator calm usual road situations with ease resolved in favour of all participants of traffic. As well as it is necessary, vigilance is lulled to show on purpose then much more fascinating action and to illustrate also the fallen asleep vigilance of the driver.

Which could stop here in thisnd, drive, speed, place if speed was on 10 km/h less.

But has not stopped.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How penis enlargement?

How to achieve stable erection? In any conversation on increase in a penis speech anyhow comes about one product — Vig-Rx. If to you there were comparative analyses of preparations for potentiality increase, erection, penis increases at each of them there was one name — Vig-Rx.

Penis enlargement standart

WomanAlso there is a simple explanation of why Vig-Rx is the standard penis enlargement on which measure all other preparations for penis increase. Any other preparation cannot provide such effective results penis enlargement, assured erection, a powerful potentiality — what patented preparation Vig-Rx guarantees. Millions men had time to check up unique influence of the formula of increase in a penis, erection, potentialities and... have believed in success!

The penis increase is carried out at the expense of growth of new fabrics of a penis, reaching a gain of muscular weight, as at body building. Thanks to it the size of a penis during a life increases by 0,5 sm a year. But it is possible to accelerate it!

In general opinion of representatives penis enlargement forum — when guarantees of increase in the penis are necessary to men, they trust it only Vig-Rx!

With the facts to argue it is impossible — after all, unlike other, known variants of increase in a sexual member, we have helped to increase all over the world hundreds thousand men the size of the sexual member and the sexual possibilities — a stable potentiality and fine erection.

If you are dissatisfied with the size of the penis, wish to strengthen sexual endurance, erection or simply to return power and energy of a youth, use penis enlargement pills Vig-Rx.
Vig-Rx Often try to simulate, but till now nobody has managed to repeat.

Natural Penis Enlargement