Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Wave

The Wave

The Wave — a sandy embankment of the unusual form, located in northern part of the State of Arizona, the USA.

To get in it a place it is possible only under the special permission which stand out in the Bureau of ground resources in number of 20 pieces in day on the basis of a lottery.
Still photos.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Eruption of a volcano Tonga

Volcano eruption

Eruption of an underwater volcano nearby to Tonga Islands.
Photo & Video

The operated crocodile


The crocodile has got to accident, and people, have not left the green friend in a trouble. They have fastened the torn off top jaw into place, and now it as the newcomer!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ballet for peasants

The majority of fans of football dislike the Latin American and South European football players for excessive dramatic character and propensity to simulation a little. But here it already in my opinion borders on art. Even the ball is not necessary to such football players, the main thing that the judge would be.

p. s. Last minute a match the fan has shot attacking which ran out in private with the goalkeeper.



Sergeant Stubby

Sergeant Stubby

The pit bull terrier on nickname Stubby has received a rank of the sergeant and the commander of army of the USA, in 1921 has been awarded by many medals for heroism, including medal Humane Society which was personally handed over by general John Pershing.

Private soldier John Robert Conroy has picked up a puppy of unknown breed on a campus of Jelsky university in 1917, during preparation for expansion of armies in Europe of the First World War. The dog has received a nickname for the brown colouring and the chopped off short tail «stubbed».

During stay in camp Stubby it was assiduously trained. After preparation recruit Conroy could not leave the favourite and has furtively taken a dog in lorries, a train and the ship to Europe. On February, 5th, 1918 Stubby has got on First World War front.

Thanks to natural scent Stubby warned sleeping soldiers about the beginning of gas attacks. During fight the dog found wounded men and bark called to the aid. The dog got to hospital (wound by a splinter of a grenade and a poisoning with poisonous gas) twice.
After amendment Stubby came back to a front line.
Once even has caught the German spy, the four-footed fighter has seized for feet of the spy, thereby not having allowed that to escape. After war end, Stubby participated even in 17 military fights.

Stubby has twice visited the White House, has met presidents Harding and Coolidge. After death the heroic dog became a talisman of Georgetown Hoyas.
To read still about Stubby.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The great White South

White South

Englishman Herbert Ponting — the tireless traveller, whose first photographic passion became the East.

He has devoted first ten years of the photographic career to Japan, China, India, Korea. Ponting co-operated with illustrated magazines, like "Illustrated London News" and "Harper’s Weekly" (for the last Ponting documented the Russian-Japanese war). But the world popularity and a recognition of descendants Herbert Ponting has received as the pioneer of professional photographing of the Great White South.

Result of participation of Herbert Pontinga as the professional photographer in Robert Skott (Antarctic researches of 1910-1913) was the collection of glass negatives numbering about 1700 copies. Practically all photos of participants frankly production.

The command of Scott has got used to a special kind of activity — «to be given to virtuosity».
Besides, many pictures became only for advertising sponsors — tinned beans "Heinz" or cocoa "Fry’s". Last the campaign of Scott, as is known — has appeared tragical, however, Herbert Ponting — from participation has refused.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I witnessed also these photos my indications


Such name was at mission of the United Nations in Somalia, since December, 1992. On a photo the child dying of hunger, in those days hunger has carried away lives of 300 thousand persons.

The United Nations have entered peace-making forces for protection of workers of the organisations (responsible for distribution of the humanitarian help) from local commanders of military groups.

In a consequence this African state has turned to already very known base of pirates of Indian ocean. It is one of several photos which simply pour in you in an event reality.
"I witnessed also these photos my indications. Events which I have written down, should not be forgotten and should not repeat!" — James Nachtwey.

Baby Giraffe

Baby Giraffe

What could it mean?


The panda with three heads belches a rainbow.
Official post and even methods in API.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Coconut crab

Coconut crab
He/she is the palm thief, or on scientific — a coconut crab. The crab can easily bite off with the claw a finger to the person, also, at the expense of the claws is capable to get of trees.Eats contents of the split fruits of palm trees.
The crab on photos, has decided to change to the culinary traditions and to regale from a garbage can.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gathering of money for struggle against a drought

The Chinese approach to social advertising.

Dolphin and tigress

DolphinOne of these days in the Californian park of rest during the next walk the attention of 6-month's tigress Akaasha was involved floating in pool behind glass with a dolphin.
It wanted to tigress to get acquainted with a dolphin, and Akaasha have brought more close.

To general pleasure the 14-month's dolphin by name of Mavrick too has become interested Akaasha. Animals some time each other steadfastly looked.

The tigress vainly tried to smell a dolphin, and that all this time tenderly smiled and eventually has approvingly nodded...

Friday, March 6, 2009


Not long rested on laurels some the Most popular Fish a deep-water being with transparent head Macropinna microstoma.
Koreans, those that to the south, have prepared new "bomb" — two carps with human faces.

Very long time they lived in a pond of one South Korean (already since 1986). Unfortunately, they will not give posterity therefore as both big fishes — female to a floor.

I for you look. You like me

I for you look
Should be kept and lay out. Beauty!!!

Has received a parcel

Long-awaited gift from tropical countries

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rapa Nui

Rapa Nui

Beautiful panoramas of statues

Other names of Easter island: Rapa Nui — the Big Oar, and also Those-pito-about-those-henua is the Navel of the Universe, a Floor-mat-ki-that-rank-eye, Looking in the Sky. If there is no possibility to make travel to this surprising corner, all of you can equally enjoy panoramas of statues against the most beautiful landscapes.
On a site still it is a lot of interesting...

Virtual reality

Virtual Cocoon

The British scientists would not like to appear in a virtual reality. Their new child — Virtual Cocoon — a helmet completely emulating virtual sensations for all basic feelings: sight, hearing, sense of smell, touch. It is said that among beta-testers, there was Bill Gates (one of developers Word and Excel).

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Please, do not drink when drive the car...

Do not drink at the wheel!

Guinness Draft — Please don'nt drink and drive

Guinness Draft

Parking for drunk drivers

Reserved For Drunk Drivers

If you find me attractive, do not sit down a wheel




Alcohol creates a new reality

Became fathers — has continued posterity!

Galapagos turtle ninja

Lonely George, the unique male who has remained on a planet huge galapagoss-turtles, became the father. If the found 3 eggs survive, at super-tortil there will be a chance to avoid full extinction.

Planet of cats and dogs

16 years ago Lainia Lattanzio has constructed Cat House on the Kings — a shelter for homeless cats and dogs on 12 acres of the earth with the 5-roomed house to the north from Los Angeles where for animals there is all for a full and happy life. Any cages and the leads, full freedom and harmony.

The cat's house in Los Angeles

Today there 700 cats and one hundred dogs live together without quarrels (thus there is no animal smell), and for all time a shelter has visited more than 20,000 animals. All this time a shelter exists on donations and on shoulders of one woman.

And all has begun that in the childhood mum has forbidden to hold houses a cat…

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Dreams of the future...

Retrofuturism of 60-70th years. The future seemed to them such light, pure and joyful, that it would be desirable to envy those who lives in 21st century. Here still a couple plus archive of pictures.

Observatory in Chile

Observatory in Chile

Panorama 5391x800. Observatory La Silla — one of the largest in Southern hemisphere — is at height of 2400 metres in a southern part of Atacama desert.
Site (photo, video).

Monday, March 2, 2009

Punishment Argali


As it is found out, broken helicopter Mi-8 (7 persons were lost, 4 has survived) was ruined by banal poaching. In a picture from a wreck place — a head dead argali, brought in "the Red book".

«Youth Bulge»

The friend has sent from England an English translation of the interview published in the Danish language with German professor Gunnar Heinsohn, having advised to read it, despite possible depressive reaction.
I would not like to read 16 pages at all, as at me and so the heap not read has collected. But having seen the beginning, I could not come off any more.

Interview was is taken concerning an exit in 2003 of its sensational book: «Sohne und Weltmacht: Terror im Aufstieg und Fall der Nationen».

Having read it, I have immediately gone on Google and have found out, that the author — the 63-year-old professor of the Bremen university, the sociologist, the economist and the researcher of a genocide. He has written set of books about rising and a decline of civilisations, since the Bronze age, the Ancient Greece, the Near-Eastern countries and finishing the Holocaust and modern Europe.

In the book «Sons and world supremacy» it gives an explanation to the phenomenon which has generated an unforeseen and inexplicable wave of terrorism and violence which breaks now our world, naming this phenomeno «Youth Bulge».

Definition of this phenomenon proves to be true elementary mathematical calculation — comparison of quantity of men at the age of 40 — 44 years with boys at the age from 0 till 4 years. Demographic failure occurs when on each 100 men at the age of 40 — 44 years are necessary less, than 80 boys at the age from 0 till 4 years. In Germany it is a parity equally 100/50, and in sector of Gaza — 100/464.

Heinsohn uses the term «demographic failure» to characterise the countries which will be incapable to resist to a priority of youth from other countries. Germany and Japan are ready to delivery to the countries similar Muslim, — to Afghanistan (100 men/403 of the boy), Iraq (100 men/351 of the boy) and Somalia (100 men/364 of the boy).

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Radical measures

The main health officer of the country Gennady Onishchenko suggests to take radical measures. He considers, that it is necessary to forbid the use, sale and manufacture of cigarettes in territory of Russia.
Though the radical interdiction will follow not at once, before there will be a certain special program following the results of which realisation, it will be clear to forbid or not.

According to Onishenko, last years the tobacco use in Russia causes to a society a catastrophic damage. "Smoke 60 percent of men, from the illnesses caused by smoking, for some previous years has died more than 300 thousand persons".

However, manufacturers of tobacco in it are not assured not so. So the general director of association "Tabaco&Co" Vadim Zhelnin, considers, that the full interdiction for smoking of a problem will not solve, but only will increase number of the crimes made in the country.

Meanwhile Gennady Onishchenko has fallen with criticism upon those who insists that manufacturers of tobacco should be involved in charities actively.
The citation under the Interfax: "In one civilised country not only it is not authorised to the tobacco companies, but also categorically it is forbidden to be engaged in charity or any other positive activity".
It is considered, that at the population the image of manufacturers of tobacco and alcohol can be generated positive.