Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The best sex only with vegetables

The organisation which is famous for glamour extremism in struggle for the rights of animals, has declared that buys a place in advertising blocks on the Supercup. And literally at once has carried out the PR-action «NBC has refused to show our videoclip!». Than also has provided to itself quite good coverage.

«Vegetarian love»

Refusal NBC is logical and easily explainable — the Supercup looks a large quantity of American children, and the information that at vegetarians sex is better, — the superfluous information.

Vegetable sexual toys

Spot «Veggie Love» show the sexual liberated girls who begin love games with vegetables: a pumpkin, a broccoli, a celery, an asparagus...

Americans warn about an arthritis

Ad Council and Arthritis Foundation have started an advertising campaign against an arthritis.
Recent researches have shown, that one of five adult Americans suffers an arthritis. It is 46 million persons, and by 2030 number of people sick of an arthritis will reach 67 million persons.

Technological harm

Growth is connected by that the human life becomes more comfortable. Modern technologies do all for comfort of the modern person, hence people become all less mobile. Without movement joints lose flexibility, this factor leads to arthritises.

Arthritis preventive maintenance

Ad Council and Arthritis Foundation have decided to urge adult Americans to move more by means of videoclips in which people dance, being engaged in the most usual daily affairs and showing excellent flexibility of joints and harmony of a body.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"Diet or fitness?" — Diet and fitness!

Your diet

Many people suffer from excessive weight, for this reason there is a set of problems with health. The modern medicine asserts, that for growing thin it is necessary to reduce consumption of calories and to strengthen physical activity.

First of all, it is a question of restriction of surplus of fat in food. Also it is recommended to limit consumption of sweets, high-calorie products, flour products. In this plan, various kinds of diets will certainly have favorable influence on balance of weight of a body. But is not enough of it! For achievement of desirable effect it is recommended to make friends with physical culture.

The alternative decision

"But to go to fitness club is to lose too much time and money!" — the majority will object.
I will disagree but if to go to fitness club for you really problem, your choice — P90X!

Master SeriesBecause, P90X it is really productive and effective home fitness course. Extreme training course is saving your precious time which is wasted in the way to the fitness club. Also, at the fitness club people may have to wait for a long time for their turn for trainings on the sports apparatus. Thus, your precious time is saved if you will use a P90X Extreme Home Fitness.

For high-grade training I recommend to get Power 90 Master Series because the given complete set contains a full training cycle and since it is a Master Series it is much cheaper, than to buy all separately.

Beach season

I hope, the recommendation will help you to "burn" excess weight and to become harmonous and brawny. Personally I have already ordered, the beach season comes nearer: surfing, girls, dances — I prepare in advance!

Individual Initial Impressions

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Scientists have urged men to choose corresponding condoms

All condoms

The American scientists have urged men to concern more responsibly a choice of the size of a condom, informs BBC. The report on research is published in magazine Sexually Transmitted Infections.

The size of a condom

According to authors of research, the choice of an improper condom on the size forces men to refuse their use that increases risk of infection with sexual infections, and also risk of approach of undesirable pregnancy.

During the work scientists have interrogated 436 men is more senior 18 years which used condoms during sex not earlier than before three months before research. 44,7% interrogated (195 persons) have informed, that used condoms of not suitable size.

Among participants of research, 120 men have declared, that have received less pleasures from sex. 57 persons have noticed, that their partners also were less happy with sexual intercourse.

The African size

The employee of the organisation "International HIV/AIDS Alliance" Gill Gordon has declared, that unlike Europe and the USA at inhabitants of Africa not always are possibility to pick up the necessary size of a condom. According to Gordon, it explains unwillingness of many Africans to use the specified means of contraception.

In Switzerland have started to sell condoms for teenagers


In Switzerland the condoms developed specially for teenagers of 12-14 years have gone on sale. The idea of new specialised means of contraception has been approved after carrying out of the research which have shown, that sexually active Swiss schoolboys seldom use condoms because of their improper size.

Hotshot by Lamprecht AG

Condoms under name Hotshot have been developed by company Lamprecht AG in cooperation with the Swiss federation on struggle against AIDS. Their basic difference is smaller in comparison with standard condoms diameter — only 45 mm (diameter of usual condoms makes from 49 to 56 mm). According to developers, this feature will allow to exclude former inconvenience.

Research has shown, that number of teenagers conducting a sexual life is elderly till 14 years has essentially increased in comparison with 90 years of the last century. Thus interrogation of participants has revealed low level of knowledge of modern Swiss schoolboys about means of contraception and AIDS preventive maintenance.

Hotshot for schools

Condoms Hotshot will extend at the Swiss schools together with educational materials about AIDS. They also can be bought: the pack with six condoms is on sale for 7,6 Swiss francs (about $7US).

The British tomb with an inscription «Smoking killed me»

Killed me

On a tomb and a catafalque died of an emphysema of lungs have placed an inscription "Smoking killed me", informs AP.

Deadly emphysema

Albert Whittamore from Dover long time suffered an emphysema of lungs. In most cases the emphysema develops because of smoking. Whittamore has been subject to this bad habit since a youth.

Before death the British has wished, that on a catafalque and a tomb have placed posters with an inscription "Smoking killed me". According to Albert, it should serve as caution for the young men, beginning to smoke.

Warning gravestone

Posters with an inscription have been issued in style of cautions on cigarette packs. Some such posters have exposed in windows of the catafalque delivering a body of the dead on a cemetery. One more have placed on a tomb where the poster will stay within a week.

In Washington distribute female condoms

Female condom

The authorities of the American capital have made decision to begin distribution of female condoms, writes The Washington Post. Till now in one city of the USA of similar steps it was not undertaken.

The prevention of venereal diseases in Washington

500,000 female condoms it is planned to distribute free of charge in beauty salons, shops of step-by-step availability and schools which are located in areas with high level of infection of a HIV.

This version of female barrier contraceptives has appeared on counters of the American shops in 1993, however because of the high price special popularity did not use. The new model made by firm Female Health Co and applied in Brazil, the republic of South Africa and Indonesia, much more cheaply. Besides free distribution in the specified places, contraceptives will be on sale in the Washington drugstores along with other means of contraception.
"Everywhere, where man's condoms are accessible, should be accessible female", — the chapter of capital management Shannon Hader has formulated new strategy of the authorities.

15 thousand HIV-infected

According to all available data from statistics, in Washington it is infected by a HIV about 3% of the population that makes more than 15,000 persons. Now this infection is a principal cause of death of black Americans at the age from 25 till 34 years.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Cigarettes blow up cars and set fire to people

In the USA the next antinicotinic campaign with an appeal is started to care of associates.
Messages against second-free smoking public organisations hope to reach smokers: «Be Considerate. Don't Smoke».

Indelible impression for smokers

The thrown out cigarette becomes the reason of terrible accident with explosion and practically instant ignition of the person. Naturally, it is a metaphor. That smoking harms to the people who are with a number.

Metaphorical ignition

The input button became a symbol of the New York condoms

Competitive work

The department of Public health services of New York has defined the winner of competition on the best design of packings of the condoms intended for free distribution among townsmen.

Project by Luis Acosta

Following the results of voting by show of hands on a department site, the best project had been recognised project Luis Acosta, suggested to decorate free condoms a button symbol incl.

Participation in a choice of best of almost 600 works presented at competition have accepted more than 15,000 inhabitants of New York. “In a symbol the thin hint so I have judged is concluded, that if me do not disqualify, the symbol can perfectly work”, — the winner has declared.

Propagation of safe sex

The program of propagation of safe sex functions in New York from the beginning of 70th years of the last century. In 2007 of the power of a city have adjusted release of condoms NYC Condom, which steels the condoms first in the USA named in honour of municipal union.

Viagra, as the Indian cinema — an eternal song

Mans happiness

Considerable progress in impotence treatment has been reached only in the late thirties 20th centuries when doctors have started to investigate possibility of struggle against sexual weakness by implantation of elastic artificial materials in penises of the patients, suffering an impotence.

Impotence — the sexual problem of men №1

Retro girlThe first operations on implantation of an artificial material in a penis have been made in 1936 independently from each other by two surgeons, in Russia and in Germany. In both cases was used the human costal cartilage which was implanted into a penis.

However an implant has not got accustomed, thus it was necessary to refuse implant introduction.

Viagra. Since 1990

The modern medicine has made some opening, capable to correct depressing position of impotent men. The most known preparation from an impotence — Viagra, is presented in the pharmaceutical market since 1990. Round Viagra there were many hearings and conjectures, the preparation was criticised and named dangerous, but Generic Viagra is effective and faultless, and the given advantages are conclusive.

Viagra pfizer

Many men hesitate to come into a drugstore, and to buy Viagra, but in an online drugstore there are no extraneous people which can guess your sexual problem. You simply choose the goods, define a delivery kind — and your problem is solved.
If you ask: "Where to buy generic Viagra from India?"
I answer: "Only in an online drugstore!"
As a result of traumas, stresses, long illnesses — the man can become the impotent man, and only Viagra will help to return high-grade pleasure of a sexual life. Viagra 100mg Tablets is actually 100 orgasms for you and your sexual partner!

Banned Viagra Commercial