Publicis Stockholm (Sweden) has developed for public organisation Amnesty International printing campaign which brings up a question to protection of the rights of women.
Violence concerning women
"Every year two million girls suffer from a pain, arising at operations on genitals that is obvious infringement of their human rights. Any government should continue to ignore this crime. Help us to stop violence concerning women", — declares the text on prints.
On prints the roses sewn up with threads are represented.
Agency Intermarkets (Dubai, the United Arab Emirates) has asked a question — whether we used water if us have very distinctly warned on a label, that water can cause a cancer of lungs, problems with heart and an emphysema, and also can complicate process of course of pregnancy.
Why you smoke cigarettes?
Thus the agency draws a parallel with cigarettes where there are same preventions of harm of smoking.
The new social advertising made Australian advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi, has presented a pedestrian crossing in the form of prison lattices.
Campaign against excess of speed
Australian organisation Pedestrian Council of Australia, protecting the rights of pedestrians, conducts thus special campaign against excess of speed by drivers. The text under a pedestrian crossing says: "Don't speed".
The government of Australia together with committee on safety of traffic has started social campaign under a slogan "One cliques it is possible to change your future".
Safety of a human body
The idea of the prints developed by agency MARKETFORCE shows pictures of a X-ray of a human body where separate bodies are attached to each other by a seat belt.
Sensoa, the Belgian governmental organisation on prevention of venereal diseases, has started original and very curious campaign with an appeal to use condoms. Campaign is called "First Gay".
The first homosexual of the world
The protagonist — the elderly man who as it is found out, and has thought up homosexuality, a gay porno, gay bars and gay parties at pool. The gay has come to us to give one wise advice from height of the experience — "Love a life, use condoms".
Campaign was developed by agency TBWA Brussels. As a basis for the creative decision in agency used ordinary opinion on illegibility of homosexuals in sex, about their levity, and consequently about not the longest life.And that show to the spectator the very first gay who, despite very and very long history of existence of homosexuality, is still live, should suggest an idea to an audience about correct life experience of the hero. Laying on a massage table and telling in the chamber of history of the life, the First Gay every time finishes the history words: "I never forgot about an elastic band. And here therefore I still here".
It is difficult to tell, whether this campaign only on homosexuals or on all levels of population is directed. Advertising spots and prints do not look tritely — more likely ironically, and besides for a role of the protagonist, actually the First Gay, have picked up very charismatic actor who has perfectly played the role.
In previous years governmental (sic!) propaganda Sensoa as differed fair boldness.
Do not speak about sex!
Printing campaign of 2005 "Talk about sex" represented hetero-and homosexual sex. And last year's campaign "Doubts about Contarception" searched and found intimate communications between participants of group photos.
Saatchi & Saatchi, New Zealand have made a real short animation spot by means of the outdoor advertising for Rodney District Council.
Social propaganda
Billboards have been placed is close to each other enough so that the cars passing by for speed above 100 km/h motorists could see an animation roller which suddenly came to an end with flash with an inscription "Do not allow your life to be carried by before eyes. Reduce speed".