Monday, September 14, 2009

Minute of silence

Minute of silence

The eighth anniversary of acts of terrorism of 2001 has been noted in New York by a peal and minute of silence.

Minute of silence has begun at 8 o'clock 46 minutes of morning local time — at this particular time days eight years ago first from the liners stolen by terrorists ran into northern tower of the World Trade Center.

In the same time minute of silence with participation of president Barack Obama, his wife and employees of the presidential apparatus passed Michel near the White dwelling in Washington. In 2009 on September, 11th for the first time it is noted as National day of service and memory. Victims of acts of terrorism of 2001 in New York, in suburb of Washington and in the State of Pennsylvania in total steels about three thousand persons.

On Manhattan where at a collapse of towers-twins and the subsequent salvage operations 2700 persons have perished approximately, at once after a minute of silence have started to read to the list of victims of terrorists solemnly. Addressing to the ceremony beginning, the mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg has urged fellow citizens "to protect memory of those who has died", having revived spirit of voluntary charities. In National day of service on all country it is offered to Americans to participate in various charitable actions.

President Obama later on Friday should assign a wreath to a memorial to victims of terrorists in a building of the Pentagon which is had in the Washington suburb Arlington. The second person in the state, vice-president Joe Biden, participated in the New York ceremony. AP notes that the quantity of the people who have gathered near a place where before there were towers-twins, in 2009 is insignificant — all some hundreds persons.

On September, 11th, 2001 three airplanes stolen by agents of a terrorist "al Kaida", ran into the New York skyscrapers and the Pentagon, and the fourth, going towards capital, has fallen and has broken in a city district of Shanksville in state of Pennsylvania. In the eighth anniversary of acts of terrorism on all country pass memorable provisions, the presentation of a school heading which is devoted on September, 11th also has been dated for it and will be tested in several states.

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