Throughout millenia people enjoy Green tea, admiring with the wonderful properties of a curing drink removing weariness, improves working capacity and gives vivacity and health.
About this tea speak: «Green tea expels boredom and exhaustion, satisfies thirst, updates bones, gives to an ease body».
Medical effect of Green tea:
* reduces a blood pressure;
* well influences function of kidneys;
* restores thyroid gland functions;
* interferes with cholesterol accumulation in blood;
* is good means of preventive maintenance of oncological diseases;
* improves sight;
* promotes allocation of gastric juice;
* improves digestion;
* influences longevity;
* strengthens a teeth and gums;
* possesses antibacterial and disinfectant properties.
Useful properties to Green tea are given by group of the substances, a part.
Structure of Green tea
* Tannins — impact to tea tart relish.
* Essence — thanks to essence we enjoy aroma of tea.
* Amino acids — are necessary for ability to live of a human body and promote restoration of nervous system after hard work.
* Pigments — give characteristic colour to tea infusion.
* Vitamins A, B, C, PP, K, D, E — cause normal activity of all organism.
* Microcells (salt gland, connections of magnesium, manganese, sodium, silicon, calcium, fluorine, etc.) serve for regulation of all processes of our organism.
Green tea is especially useful to people of brainwork and in an organism growing.