As strongly such statistical plug will be reflected in preferences in a choice of products, it is possible to assume, having compared shares of expenses on a food in Europe and in the USA.
In an average European family on meal 10-20% of incomes, while at us almost 43% leave. If to consider, what to save we have got used, first of all, on quality, that time to attend to health of fellow citizens which directly depends on a food.
Health of Americans about which improvement in the near future it is possible to forget became a consequence of inflation and reduction of salaries.

The rural family on the average has three children, and in a city — only one. For this reason it is necessary to keep countrymen in native places because environment influences a way of life.

Bad conditions of a life and absence of employment became the reason of general drunkenness in a countryside. The alcoholism, in turn, sharply reduces life expectancy of peasants, especially men.
Such problem is well familiar to Finns who yet had so a long time a similar problem, but could solve it successfully. The general director of known company Mika Koskinen has given an example one Finnish province where thanks to unemployment decrease in a countryside, life expectancy has increased for 20 years. Besides an equipment, the Finnish government was engaged also in the spiritual. Citizens urged to conduct a healthy way of life and more attentively concerns the food. Probably, experience of neighbours could help and the American province.
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