As Carlos Ghosn assures, and this influential head of autoalliance Renault-Nissan rigidly supervises performance of the promises, in 2010 all over the world, the company will already construct 200 000 electromobiles.
In 1999 Renault invested considerable means in Japanese company Nissan which was on the verge of bankruptcy. Carlos Ghosn has left in Tokyo to undertake rescue Nissan. The company was in a crisis condition. The recipe which Ghosn has registered Nissan, has liked not to all. Ghosn has got rid of actives of the companies-suppliers belonging Nissan, has sold a number of branches and has reduced the most part of departments, cardinally having changed a policy of the company. It was necessary even has closed some factories in Japan and has dismissed every tenth employee of the company. For Japanese it became a shock, after all for them post loss - one of the most terrible insults. Ghosn has planned the arrogant purpose — by 2005 to lift sales to 1 million cars a year — and has achieved the, the plan has worked, in Japan Ghons became a celebrity.Today Nissan shows to the world a prototype of mass serial electromobile Nissan Leaf which promises to become in the future a usual thing for a landscape of many cities of the world.
On the first-ever accessible electromobile with zero level of emissions of harmful substances in atmosphere the former prime minister of Japan, the prefect of prefecture Kanagava Sigefumi Matsudzava and the mayor of the city of Yokohama have left on a scene.
Working out and attempt to present to the automobile market a mass electromobile — very much a risky step, and Carlos Ghosn understands it.
As he said, in the market is enough the big potential demand for cars with a zero exhaust. A certain circle of consumers wish to own electromobiles, plus of the government of the USA, France, Germany, China, Japan, the Great Britain, Spain have made inquiries about cars with zero emission. For the consumer it is the car inexpensive and very economic in daily operation, and the governments of the interested countries will create conditions for development of an infrastructure of convenient use of Japanese cars of this type.Carlos Ghosn notices, that demand for electromobiles of concern does not cause.
The head is ill just about, whether can make an alliance so much cars of the given type, how many it is necessary for the market. “Originally demand will strongly exceed the offer, and we will go only on those markets which government will support to us, — president Nissan speaks. — We will choose and invest only in such markets where the governments will give concessionary terms of credits, — for example, in the USA we will receive the soft loan with the low interest rate on 1 billion 600 million dollars”. That is Carlos Ghosn is intended not hesitating to use in the purposes aspiration of the governments of the rich countries not to save on ecology. In exchange giving the car with a zero exhaust of harmful substances.The electromobile has a habitual body of a five-door hatchback. The modern and bright form of a forward part — unusual, with the big lanterns and a massive door. The electromobile from Nissan is more similar to traditional petrol hatchbacks, than hybrids from Toyota and Honda with vanguard appearance. Headlights Nissan Leaf give additional aerodynamic function: they level air streams bypassing lateral mirrors, reducing resistance of air and noise during movement.
Batteries from Nissan were developed under three key parametres: long time of a life, the low price and high reliability. The fuel cells similar to inflated sheets of paper of format А4, united in cassette blocks. These blocks it is possible to lay out as much as possible densely space under a floor of the most unusual configuration.
Carlos Ghosn has noticed on car presentation, that batteries are constantly improved and range of a trip of an electromobile will grow in the future by all means.
“For today still any company has not made mass and accessible at the price of an electromobile — we will be the first in the market, — speaks Ghosn. — Our electromobile powerful enough, the car is simple in management. Acceleration is similar to a turbo-engine, only at a turbo still it is necessary to wait, roughly speaking, half-seconds, and the electricity forces the engine to enter work immediately”.
In Nissan realise that the electromobile cannot concede to petrol cars under the basic operational characteristics, differently the car is doomed to stay in a stage of conceptual working out...
Nissan has tried to make this car same as all the others, plus has added one — has made the car completely electric. Profitability became the main advantage. Only with similar model of an electromobile it is possible to leave on the world market.
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