Thursday, December 22, 2011

Benefits of Omega 3 Fish Oils

Omega 3 fish oils are well documented to have many health benefits which the following infographic highlights. Increasing your omega 3 fatty acids can help lower your risk of heart problems and inflammatory conditions, but also a positive step towards a healthier, more balanced diet. Omega 3 is a polyunsaturated fatty acid and one of the “good” fats our bodies are unable to make. Fatty acids have been found to reduce total blood cholesterol and triglycerides and may increase the HDL (good) cholesterol in the blood, and could help in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and heart attacks. Additionally they may help reduce inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, while recent research suggests Omega 3 could help depression too.”

The following infographic summarises the benefits of Omega 3 fish oils:

Benefits of Omega 3 and fish oils infographic
Omega 3 - Benefits of Omega 3 and Fish Oils - Healthspan
Vitamin d - Benefits of Omega 3 and Fish Oils - Healthspan
Cod liver oil - Benefits of Omega 3 and Fish Oils - Healthspan
Omega 3 - Benefits of Omega 3 and Fish Oils - Healthspan
Krill oil - Benefits of Omega 3 and Fish Oils - Healthspan
By Healthspan — UK's largest direct supplier of Vitamins and Supplements.

Monday, December 19, 2011

A Healthy Smile — I Like It!

The snow-white smileThe snow-white smile not always means frequent visits to the dentist. Certain fruit and vegetables will help to keep a natural whiteness and health of your teeth.

The stationary bleaching leads to hyper-sensibility of teeth, therefore a each bleaching give the small damage, leading to irreversible changes of a teeth enamel, therefore so it's important to find an alternative natural way to receive a bright smile. For the snow-white smile it's important to use hard fruits and vegetables.

Teeth clearing process occurs during a chewing of products, because the allocated saliva will neutralize acids and protects tooth enamel. Also the use of dairy products with the calcium is very useful for the teeth. The advantage of dairy products also is caused by the dairy acid.
The use of certain products — a healthy way to the snow-white smile!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The 10 Most Popular Episodes of “Intervention”

InterventionThe A&E reality show “Intervention” has been controversial from the start. Does it offer life lessons and cautionary tales for those who might teeter on the edge of drug or alcohol abuse and addiction? Or does it glorify the lifestyles and drama of those who get lost in its throes? These are questions that have lingered in the television viewing community since the first episode of “Intervention” aired on March 6, 2005.

Whether controversial or not (and perhaps because it is controversial), one fact about which there can be no doubt is that “Intervention” is a popular program. In fact, it’s one of the highest rated shows on the A&E cable network, drawing up to 2 million viewers per episode, according to The New York Times. While every loyal watcher has his or her favorite episode based on different criteria, the following list features the ten most frequently quoted as the best episodes on “Intervention” fan websites.

1. Season 6, Episode 4 — John C

Original Air Date: January 5, 2009.
Issues: ADHD, Depression, Refusal to treat Type 1 Diabetes.
Summary: John refuses to take the medication he needs, and it is having a negative effect on his mother, who is also unwell.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? John was asked to leave treatment for failing to follow the plan. Once he moved back home, he began following the proper regimen as of 2008.

2. Season 7, Episode 13 — Gloria

Original Air Date: August 24, 2009.
Issue: Alcohol.
Summary: Gloria is a long-time alcoholic who gets by with her charm and catering skills, although her personal relationships have disintegrated. She is in debt, and she drowns her sorrows rather than facing them.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? Gloria completed treatment, began to repair her relationship with her children, and returned to school and work. She has been sober since 2009.

3. Season 4, Episode 6 — Josh & Ben

Original Air Date: January 21, 2008.
Issues: Ben — DMX abuse, Josh — Compulsive Eating Disorder.
Summary: Both men suffered abuse in their childhoods. Due to serious self-esteem issues, Josh weighs over 550 pounds and can’t stop eating, Ben, a young man with a genius IQ, is obsessed with DMX usage as well as his “Rob Cypher” Internet persona, and he has resorted to crime to fund his habit.
Did addicts agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? As of October 2011, Josh had lost over 260 pounds and was working on producing his own music. Ben is still involved with his online persona and has been taking part on a forum created for DMX users.

4. Season 3, Episode 8 — Laney

Original Air Date: June 1, 2007.
Issue: Alcohol.
Summary: Laney suffered a life full of abuse. Even though she is a millionaire from a divorce settlement, all she does now is hide with her cat, drink and take tranquilizers all day.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? Laney left treatment after two days, retrieved her cat, and hired a limo to take her home. During that journey, she decided to get sober and has been since then.

5. Season 4, Episode 9 — Brad

Original Air Date: March 24, 2008.
Issues: Alcohol, PTSD, Marijuana.
Summary: Brad suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following two tours of duty in Iraq. He uses alcohol and marijuana to numb his pain and keep the flashbacks at bay. His violent, erratic behavior has begun to frighten his family.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? Brad left treatment after 21 days. His father threw him out of his home, so he moved in with friends and says he has “cut down” on his drinking.

6. Season 5, Episode 5 — Marie

Original Air Date: July 14, 2008.
Issue: Alcohol.
Summary: Marie has a history out of a movie. She was born to a mob family broken by divorce, leaving her family destitute. She was married three times, but became a well-known matchmaker and socialite. Her fourth marriage was to an addict, who drew her into that world. Her husband died of alcohol-related issues.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? As of March 2008, Marie reported still being sober.

7. Season 8, Episode 16 — Amy P.

Original Air Date: April 19, 2010.
Issues: Anorexia, Bulimia.
Summary: Amy suffered from anxiety since childhood and developed anorexia in high school. She dropped out of college after one semester, and her troubles grew worse from then on. Amy suffers from serious health problems, steals from her family, and shoplifts. Her parents moved into a new house where Amy could live in the basement, but they lock her out of the main house. Her disorder has developed to the point where she is binging every day and is obsessed with exercising and purging.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? While Amy completed initial treatment, she was dismissed from an extended care facility for noncompliance. She was not allowed to return home, and at follow-up, she was still binging and purging.

8. Season 1, Episode 7 — Peter & Renee

Original Air Date: May 1, 2005.
Issues: Peter — Video Game Addiction, Renee — Eating disorder, diuretic dependence.
Summary: Peter’s family believes he has lost touch with reality. He identifies himself as the video game characters he plays. Renee’s family is terrified at the deterioration of her health.
Did addicts agree to treatment? Both agreed to treatment.
Successful at end of episode? Peter remained in treatment for 42 days and has developed a better relationship with his family, although he continues to play video games. Renee was in treatment and doing well for about a year, but in August 2006, she ceased treatment and returned to binging and purging.

9. Season 7, Episode 17 — One Man Rehab

Original Air Date: 9/28/2009.
Issues: N/A.
Summary: This episode covers “sober companions:” professionals who closely follow recovering addicts to keep them on the straight and narrow. A companion named Donna works to keep her client Tara off meth so she can gain visitation with her daughter. Another sober companion named Mike helps a teen stay away from the gang house where he once lived so they can prevent his slide into more serious drug use.
Did addict agree to treatment? N/A.
Successful at end of episode? N/A.

10. Season 8, Episode 5 — Amy W.

Original Air Date: December 28, 2009.
Issues: Alcohol, Anorexia, Self-Harm.
Summary: Amy always lived under high pressure from her family, and she never told anyone about the molestation she experienced as a child. She began cutting and restricting her diet, and by age 17, she suffered from an eating disorder and mental illness. She drinks up to two bottles of vodka a day, eats only 500 calories, cuts and burns herself, steals money from her family and has attempted suicide several times. Her family is especially concerned about her young daughter.
Did addict agree to treatment? Yes.
Successful at end of episode? Amy completed two months of treatment and attended 12 step meetings to remain sober.

“Intervention” is a difficult show to watch on many levels, and yet it may be just the slap in the face some viewers need to change their lives for the better. Anyone could easily be one pill, one drink, one obsessive thought away from becoming a subject on the show. It is only the possibilities of survival and recovery provided by Intervention that make the viewing ultimately bearable. Perhaps it is this combination of despair and hope that makes the show so popular.

This post was written and provided by Gregg Gustafson who is a freelance writer and consultant for Gustafson works with many individuals who suffer from both long and short term drug abuse on a daily basis; in turn referring them to some of the most prestige residential drug rehab centers active today.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

All Babies Choose the Walkers

The baby walkers

The Baby Walkers For the Healthy Nation

How to choose the baby walkers?
This question the more discussed among the orthopedists. Parents of all kids, certainly, know about the walkers. However not all parents buy this First Step. As a rule, all parents share on a two basic groups: supporters of use of baby walkers and their ardent opponents. The baby walkers have both positive, and negative characteristics.

In given post I will try to say about an advantage and a harm of walkers most. However it's only the general information, if you decide to buy the baby walkers, to better have the personal consulting with your local doctor.

My baby walkers

Any young mummy knows, how at times there are no free hands. Use of the best baby walkers considerably facilitates life of young mum and gives the free time. As it's known, approximately with 6-8 months a child becomes the real researcher. The child doesn't agree to sleep and dream, the small hero would like to learn world around and to participate in the life of adults. In the baby walkers the zone of reach for the kid considerably extends also the kid doesn't feel torn off from the live world.

Walkers for baby

Besides, the baby in the walkers, thanks to vertical position will evolve much faster than a contemporaries, both in emotional, intellectual, and the social plan. Baby in the walkers are much more sociable, are ready to emotional contact, are loyal to a strangers.

The Best Walkers For a Best Baby

The baby walkers

However if all was so perfectly, there would be no disputes: «To be the baby walkers or not to be?».

As it's authentically established, use of walkers substantially slows down the impellent skills. Probably, because there is no sufficient psychological stimulation for a baby mind. What for the baby will aspire to a learn and an independent action, to put difficult efforts etc, if baby have the action without the effort, with help of the walkers? Yes, if baby could speak, he would tell:

«Stop the Fall, I Choose the Walkers!»

The walkers

In additives to everything, to mums it will be rather useful to look the nursing bra reviews because your mad baby has possibly fairly pulled your breast, therefore your choice only the best bras, created especially for your breast.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The True Baby Bottles & Mattresses

The healthy baby bottle

The Healthy Baby Bottles

Earlier thought that a glass baby bottles is an ideal for a baby because the glass bottles for sterilization much better. But, at present time there are qualitative baby bottles which are made from a polymer and these bottles is absolutely comparable to quality of the glass baby bottles. As a rule, they possess all characteristics from the glass baby bottles.

The plastic baby bottles are not afraid of such things as the high temperature, a sterilizer, a heater, can be used in microwaves. It's possible to carry that fact to their advantages that the plastic baby bottles weigh much less, than their glass analogues and them cannot be broken.

The baby bottle

Today, there is a set of samples of the small plastic bottles. Their specification is various enough: there are baby bottles which have the indicator of temperature changes, there are small bottles which, in case of need, can be transformed into a cup, there are bottles steady against use of such object, as a heater or a boiler. Anyhow, always there is a chance to look at the baby bottle reviews, therefore to be engaged in a choice of the baby bottle is a serious business.

The true baby mattress

The True Baby Mattress

So, you have bought to the kid the true baby bottles, the baby toys, and the baby cot in which he will sleep. Time has come to reflect on selection of a correct mattress. In the modern conditions of abundance of the baby goods on a commodity market for newborn children, a choice of a crib mattress — a problem demanding careful viewing of all variants. You would like, that your kid slept easily? Then you need to know about several rules which should be remembered, choosing a mattress for the baby.

The mattress for a baby

The Rules of a Choice of the Baby Mattress

  1. The first rule — the crib mattresses should not contain any synthetics or polymeric materials (or at least, to contain it at a minimum level).
    Because, all kids often have allergies to the synthetic substances. It concerns all baby goods, including complete sets in a bed. Therefore it's necessary to choose only mattresses from a natural material. It can be latex or a coconut crust. The mattress cover should have a minimum of seams and is sewed from natural Eco-pure materials.
  2. The second rule — the mattresses should correspond to dimensions of the baby bed.
    Discrepancy of a mattress to the baby bed will cause discomfort and also constant displacement. Before purchase, I recommend to use the crib mattress reviews, thus you save your money and will choose the mattress according to the bed of your baby.
  3. The third rule — the mattress should be elastic.
    There is an opinion that the baby mattresses are obliged to be soft. However, it is necessary to remember that the organism of the child is not formed, thus the elastic baby mattresses will advantage in formation of a true backbone of the kid.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Sprained Ankle — a Sports Trauma Number ONE

Many people ever in life injured an ankle, as a result the ankle strongly swelled up, there was a pain which proceeded during the long period of time, the person hardly moved or could not go at all.

Your Healthy Feet — Your Big Capital!

Football traumaFoot traumaEven if it's very widespread trauma it's not necessary to consider such trauma insignificant. Treatment of the damaged ankle can prevent the further problems with health.

The trauma of ankles is the most known damage to the USA, and often arises at sports games or on rest. Every year happens about one million various damages, and 85% have the sprained ankles.

The majority of ankle traumas take place when foot is turned out in the opposite direction at run, falling, turns or unsuccessful landings on an ankle after a jump. Many people get such traumas, being the sports people, for example, football, basketball, rugby players etc.

Sprained anklebones

If you ask how to treat a sprained ankle, I know only that it's necessary to prevent as soon as possible inflammation distribution to an ankle. Otherwise, between ankle joint bones in the damaged place the rough and dense cicatricial fabric can be formed.

The collagenic fibres making a hem, will interfere with normal sliding of bones, sheaves and sinews in an ankle. Treatment of this complication manages extremely expensively and frequently comes to an end with surgical intervention.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Appetite Loss: Reasons & Treatment

Loss of appetite

Healthy appetite not without reason is considered a sign of good health, however even small physical or emotional problems can affect appetite and as a whole on a health of Americans. The reasons of loss of appetite can be the most different: from problems with digestive system to serious diseases.

The reasons of loss of appetite:

  • Pneumonia, hepatitis, HIV, infections of kidneys, a flu;
  • Serious diseases of a liver and cardiovascular system;
  • Separate kinds of a cancer — a blood cancer, a cancer of a thick gut, a stomach cancer;
  • Inflammation of intestines, the digestive channel;
  • Endocrine problems, diabetes, low level of a hormone of a thyroid gland;
  • Mental frustration: depression, a schizophrenia, a nervous anorexia;
  • Certain medical preparations, antibiotics, chemotherapy, medicines for a diabetes;
  • Pregnancy.

Besides above-named, there is also a set of other reasons of loss of appetite.
Appetite loss can cause and some bad habits: for example, the use of sweets or the nonalcoholic sweetened drinks between dishes. On occasion appetite loss can be caused the excessive use of the "heavy dishes" rich with sated fats.

Loss of Appetite: Diagnostics

If appetite loss develops gradually and is accompanied by weight loss, medical examination is necessary, thus such appetite loss can signal about serious problems with health.

For example, the urine analysis allows to diagnose infections of kidneys, and a thorax X-ray — will reveal a pneumonia or a cancer of lungs.

The number of the most widespread medical procedures applied at diagnostics of the reasons of loss of appetite, includes ultrasonic research of bodies of a belly cavity, the full analysis of blood, the test for a HIV, testing of function of kidneys, testing of function of a liver, the test for pregnancy, research of function of a thyroid gland, the urine analysis etc.

Long-term effects of loss of appetite

If absence of appetite remains throughout several weeks, it can lead to an organism exhaustion, shortage of the nutrients necessary for its normal functioning. Other long-term consequences of loss of appetite depend on the reason which have caused this condition.

Treatment of loss of appetite in many respects depends on the reason which have caused this condition. For example, if appetite loss is caused by pregnancy — the treatment is not required — appetite will be restored by a natural way in some weeks. As a rule, appetite is restored after full treatment of the illness which have caused this condition.

How to get rid of appetite loss?

One of the most effective nutritious food additives — yeast in a combination with a vitamin B complex. The lack of a mineral of zinc can affect sense of smell and touch that, in turn, negatively affects appetite of the person.

Coffee & Hypertension


Coffee Experiment

Medical enthusiasts have doubted that frequent consumption of coffee is connected to increase of arterial pressure.

Scientists have analyzed the data collected during previous six researches in which have taken part 170,000 persons. In all researches has been analyzed the data about how many cups of coffee they drink during the day (without teeth whitening).

Supervision over participants proceeded 33 years. It has appeared that the hypertension has come to light at every fifth of the investigated.
At the same time scientists do not assert that the risk does not exist at all. Critics notice that researchers have not considered some important factors. For example, participants of some researches drank coffee without caffeine. Besides, on different people of coffee operates differently. Some people, owing to genetic features can drink more coffee without consequences for health issues, but this menu will be absolutely counter-indicative for another man.
More in detail about work of scientists is possible to reading from «The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition».

Men's Harmony

Show Men

Healthy Mens

The modern men understands that appearance in many respects defines own success, both in career, and in private life.

Therefore if it faces any problem, for example, a hair fall problem, he knows that she should be solved!
The care of the appearance in a modern society is a sign of a good form. The well-groomed person, the tightened figure, dense beautiful hair can tell much more about the interlocutor. These signs signal about a mens health and the excellent physical form.

Certainly, there are some kinds of activity, for which appearance — an important component of success. For example, if the men the show-business men: the musician, Dj, the TV producer, top model. But many men, without being representatives of show business, have already realized all pluses of good style, both for work, and for private life.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Marijuana: Legalized Tendency

CA Republic

In the USA the profit on sale of medicinal marijuana has reached record sales. According to the report of American analytical company «See Change Strategy», the revenue of realization of preparations of hemp has made $1,7 billion. Analysts predict that marijuana can displace «Viagra» which is one of the most profitable potential tablets.

Marijuana VS Viagra

Medicinal Marijuana

According to forecasts of medical experts, the sales volume of medical marijuana in 15 US States (where is officially legalized marijuana) will double into the next five years. Analysts also predict that cannabis can be legalized in other 20 US States. In that case by 2016 incomes of sale of such medicines will reach $8,9 billion.

Marijuana effects

According to See Change Strategy, 92 percent of the market of medical marihuana in the USA are necessary to California and Colorado. The fastest growth of Marijuana sales are expected in Arizona, Michigan and Washington.

Total number of Americans to which accepts such preparations, experts have estimated in 24,8 million person. The volume of the illegal market of medicinal marihuana, by estimations of experts, makes from $18 to $35,8 billion/Year.

If forecasts of analysts come true, and cannabis will be legalized, medical marijuana will be the most profitable medical recipe. Now sales of a preparation «Viagra» enrich Pfizer on $1,9 billion/Year.

Grow Marijuana?

Marijuana growing

The Californian Shop of Medicinal Marijuana

Medical marihuana

The shop of medical marihuana «SPARC» (San Francisco, California) became the winner of the annual award of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) in the nomination of «the Architecture of Interior Space».


According to developers — «Sand Studios», patients, as a rule, are compelled to buy hemp or marijuana in poorly issued premises. Therefore the architect Erich Pearson, has considered the mission as: "to move medical marijuana from a dark on a sun", giving to potential clients a good mood at purchase.

Thus SPARC is the noncommercial project, called to supply needy patients with chronic diseases by medicinal marijuana at the low prices. Besides traditional forms of a medicine — the dried up inflorescences for smoking and extracts for intake — the shop offers culinary production with marijuana and hemp sprouts. To make purchase it's possible only under the recipe of the doctor.

It's Marijuana Legal!

Medicinal marijuana

Marihuana is on sale in chemist's bottles of dark glass with design labels, its storage is carried out in the wooden boxes fixed along one wall as it was accepted in ancient drugstores. The price-list is displayed on liquid crystal screens. The furniture is made of a local oak, a lamp from laboratory glass.

The design of a facade of shop is based on a picture received at the analysis of sequence of DNA of hemp. The facade is executed from glass that should symbolize a transparency and legality of application of medical marijuana.

According to facts about smoking, smoking of marijuana is many times more safe than smoke of usual cigarettes. Besides it, marijuana has positive medical influence on a human body.

Marijuana legal

Now medical application of hemp is authorized in 15 US states. According to forecasts of experts, by 2016 use of preparations of hemp (medicinal marijuana) can be legalise marihuana in Mexico, thus volumes of its sales will reach $8,9 billion/Year.

Marijuana Legalize!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Health Problems Associated with Obesity

A dietary food

Obesity is a growing problem around the world and especially in the United States. The problem is a serious one since being significantly overweight can cause many health issues. Obesity isn’t just something that affects physical appearance, although that alone can trigger emotional problems connected to self-esteem that can lead to depression and withdrawal from the outside world.

A person who weighs at least 40 percent more than their ideal weight is approximately twice as apt to die earlier than a person whose weight is normal. The more overweight someone is, the more at risk they are to chronic diseases. That would explain why many people who are unsuccessful at losing weight through diet and exercise are checking into surgical options like the lap band.

Some health problems associated with obesity include:

  • Heart disease and high blood pressure – Overweight people are more prone to high blood pressure, which is one of the leading factors that cause strokes and heart disease. High cholesterol also tends to be a trait in obese people, another factor contributing to heart disease. Being overweight can also decrease the amount of oxygen that gets to the heart.
  • Type 2 Diabetes – This is a frequent cause of early death, stroke, heart issues, and even blindness in people who are obese. In someone who is obese the body can learn to resist insulin. Insulin controls the levels of blood sugar and eventually the high sugar levels that can result can seriously damage the body.
  • Affect on weight-bearing joints – The excess weight that is placed on the joints like the hips and knees can quickly cause wear and inflammation, which results in pain. The back is constantly under extra strain, causing problems with the disks, pain, and decrease in mobility.
  • Breathing problems and sleep apnea – In someone who is obese, fat can build up in the areas of the tongue and neck as well, causing the air passages to become obstructed. When lying on the back to sleep, these obstructions worsen and may cause the individual to wake up repeatedly in order to find a better position in which to breathe.

There are many other health conditions that are caused by being obese. Excess weight can cause other physical issues like an increase in sweating, trouble breathing, acne and other skin conditions, and trouble walking. For more information about health problems related to obesity, there are reliable sources online like and that can help.

Most Effective Workout Supplements

Energy Drink

Working out and staying in shape is quite important on a global level. People everywhere want to keep the fat off, and achieve the hollywood standard. But here's the problem, we can't devote a ton of time to staying young; we have to work, we have school, errands, and life stuff. It's no secret, you get busier as you get older. With that, comes being more tired.

Tons of companies have started offering energy products to keep us going, like Monsters Energy Drink and Red Bull. But these are necessarily marketed to gym-goers. This is where we have fitness and workout supplements that are designed to help build muscle etc. The products specifically geared for working out are called pre-workout supplements. These typically aim to increase energy, in conjunction with one or two other features, such as increasing vascularity and size. The real question is not what's available, but what are the best pre-workout supplements? It's easy to find reviews online, but it's extremely tough to find reviews that are unbiased and from legitimate customers. Keep that in mind when shopping for your next product to help you get the edge in your workout.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Laser Epilation — the Most Effective Method of Hair Removal

Pure skin

The each woman's dream — a smooth, silk, gentle, velvety skin, to such skin is pleasant to touch. Many women use the razor, wax and other ways of hair removal. However hair grow again, there is an irritation, women spend precious time, but only laser removal allows to get rid of hair for ever.

Silk skinLaser hair removal it's the most effective method of removal of undesirable hair. Laser hair removal is recommended for achievement of cosmetic effect, but can be carried out and for medical decisions. During of laser hair removal, a hair follicle selectively collapses, the skin thus is not subject to negative influence.

Results of laser removal can be estimated at once after procedure. The pain of laser procedure is minimum as the laser has special system of cooling. After procedure probably small reddening of a skin which disappears in 15-30 minutes. The patient sees at once positive result which remains in a current of 2 months but if you want to get rid of all undesirable hair — it's necessary to carry out 4-5 procedures.

Velvet skin

Laser hair removal in UK

For many clients, a prominent aspect is cost of laser hair removal London. And it's absolutely fair. Certainly, it's delicate enough procedure, thus the prices vary. Especially all depends on used technologies. However if to think, how many money each woman spends for removal of hair in house conditions the conclusion is obvious — laser removal not too expensively and total price considerably below the sum of expenses on razors, skin creams, lady shavers, wax, etc.

The length of hair for performance of laser removal should be not less than 1-3 mm, besides, before procedure it's recommended to refuse solar visiting. Listen to my recommendations, and removal of hair will not bring to you any inconveniences, your skin always will be smooth and silky.

Smooth skin

6 Facts About Smoking

  1. Each 8 seconds, in the world dies 1 person, a cause of death — the tobacco.
  2. China is the native land of 300 million smokers which consume approximately 1.7 trillion cigarettes/Year (or 3 million cigarettes/min).
  3. Cigarettes — the most consumed product all over the World! Annually in the different countries 1 trillion cigarettes is on sale. The tobacco industry — the most profitable manufacture all over the World: the annual profit makes $400US billion.
  4. According to the World Health Organization data, about 25% of all sold cigarettes — counterfeit.
  5. In Holland tobacco smoking is strictly forbidden, but here if the cigarette of tobacco does not contain — smoke without problem! For this reason in Holland it is more safe to smoke marihuana.
  6. 95% of smokers after a myocardium heart attack give up smoking at once.

Cigarette urn
Cigarette bullet
Cigarette indicator
Decaying cigarette

A Separate Food = a Healthy Food

The healthy food

One of pledges of a healthy way of life is the separate food. Some consider that the healthy food is a separate food. I can tell that the element of truth in it really is. And still I can add that it's possible to start to feel taste of products in another way.

The separate food has arisen in the USA in the last century and was extended thanks to Hollywood Stars. Supporters of a separate food assert that it's an optimum way to accustom the organism to less plentiful food and to clean excess weight without too big restrictions.

Actually, according to physicians, a separate food can lead to shortage in an organism of nutrients, first of all vitamins and minerals, and also to cause metabolism infringement.

The separate food

The Life Style: Vegetarianism

The typical vegetarian

Vegetarianism (from Latin "vegetus" — strong, full of strength, vigorous, active) — a way of life characterised first of all by a food, excluding a flesh of all live beings (meat, bird, fish). As (quite often) vegetarians refuse use of other animal products, as in a food (milk of mammals, eggs), and also in a life (fur, skin, glycerine).

The argue about utility of a vegetarian way of life is a very long and constant dispute, but the fact remain the fact — the vegetarian are rather respectful.

Among vegetarians many known scientists, politicians, sportsmen, actors and etc. Itself I eat only fish (I do not eat fowl and meat).

The vegetarian

Monday, February 14, 2011

Symptoms of the Eye Floaters

Beautiful eyes

It's very important to check periodically a condition of each eye separately. Many eye illnesses can be diagnosed at an early stage.

Check up a condition of the eyes:

  1. Close one eye and look at any object on a horizon.
  2. Estimate quality of the central and peripheral sight, pay attention to the changes which have occurred since the previous check.
  3. Check up presence of hindrances on periphery of a field of vision.
  4. Pay attention to front spots and lightnings.
  5. If bad symptoms have a presence, ophthalmologists recommend to check the duration and expressiveness.
  6. Close other eye and repeat the same.
  7. Inform occurrence of new symptoms to the ophthalmologist.

If will sharp occurrence of a considerable quantity of new symptoms of deterioration of the eyes (for example: latin Opacitas Corporis Vitrei or english Eye Floaters) — immediately to visit of the ophthalmologist!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Depression — the Syndrome of 21th Century

Great Depression

Researches worldwide show: depression becomes the most widespread illness of our time. This widespread frustration which millions people suffer. According to different researchers, about 20% of the population of the developed countries are subject to depression.

Depression — serious disease which sharply reduces work capacity and brings suffering both to the patient, and relatives. Practically in all developed countries of a health service put efforts on propagation of data on depression and ways of treatment.

Depression — illness of all organism. Typical signs of depressions.
Depression symptoms are very various and vary depending on the disease form. I will list the most typical signs of this frustration.

Emotional Symptoms

* DepressionMelancholy, suffering, the oppressed, suppressed mood, despair, irritability.
* Alarm, feeling of internal pressure, trouble expectation.
* Sense of guilt, frequent self-charges.
* Depression is often combined with alarm about health and destiny of relatives, and also with fear to seem insolvent in public places.

Physiological Symptoms

Irritability * The sleeplessness, drowsiness.
* Appetite changes (loss or an overeating).
* Infringement of function of intestines.
* Decrease of sexual activity.
* Energy decrease, weakness.
* Pains and various unpleasant sensations in a body (for example, in heart, in the field of a stomach, in muscles).

Behavioural Symptoms

* Passivity, difficulties of involving in purposeful activity.
* Avoiding of contacts (propensity to a solitude).
* Refusal of entertainments.
* Abusing the psychoactive substances giving time simplification.

Cogitative Symptoms

* Difficulties of concentration.
* Difficulties of decision-making.
* Prevalence of gloomy, negative thoughts about the life, about the world as a whole.
* Gloomy, pessimistic vision of the future with absence of prospect.
* Presence of thoughts about own uselessness, insignificance, feebleness.
* Slowness of thinking.

Frequently people do not possess the necessary information and misunderstand the nature of the depression. It seems to them if their state of health is connected with clear vital difficulties, it not depression, and normal human reaction which will pass. Quite often happens and so that physiological symptoms of depression promote belief formation about presence of serious somatic diseases.


Efficiency of treatment of depression depends on adequacy of therapeutic actions. Biological treatment of depression first of all includes pharmacological therapy. At the same time for biological treatment of depression can be used: effective medical products (Valocordin, Wellbutrin, Validolum, Novo-passit), electroconvulsive therapy, phototherapy, dietary therapy, therapy by medicinal grasses (Tinctura Paeoniae, Herba Leonuri, Extractum Passiflorae fluidum).

MelancholyAmong medicamentous means of treatment of depression energizers are most often applied, however in the course of therapy of this disease, also use other preparations: tranquilizers, vitamins, hormones, antioxidants, lithium salts, the medicines improving a metabolism of cages of a brain, and other medical products.

It's necessary to notice that energizers can be effective also at treatment of alarm, fear, a migraine, a bulimia, vegetative crises and even at elimination of pains of a various origin as energizers usually raise a threshold of painful sensitivity.

Treatment of signs of depression can be spent by means of psychotherapy. Many patients test a false alarm concerning constant dependence on energizers. It's important to remember that the medicinal recipe needs to be received from the attending physician, only then it's possible to go towards a local drugstore (Pharmacy No RX Needed).

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What is the Viagra Effect?

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Medical product «Viagra» created by firm Pfizer International Inc., is the 1st pharmaceutical medical product which shows considerable and authentic efficiency at the overwhelming majority of "erect frustrations".

Unlike other ways of treatment of an impotence which provide procedure of pricks into a penis or other unpleasant medical procedures, «Viagra» is a simple, convenient and easily applied form of treatment. At use of «Viagra» you simply accept one tablet before sexual action.

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As to the mechanism of action of «Viagra» it consists in increase in quantity of the blood arriving in a penis, thus it helps the man to cause a natural potentiality. «Viagra» operates only when the man have a natural sexual excitation, thus when sexual intercourse is finished, the penis naturally comes back into the normal form. In other words, «Viagra» operates only on natural mechanisms of excitation and in it its indisputable novelty and a secret of huge popularity.

Widespread questions about Viagra

What efficiency of Viagra?
Viagra possesses enough high efficiency. Efficiency of Viagra in very strong degree depends on a dysfunction kind, from accompanying diseases. If at vascular dysfunction Viagra is effective enough, at the presence of a pathological venous drainage results of application of Viagra are much worse.

Whether to consult on Viagra reception?
It's recommended to address for consultation to the sexopathologist or the urologist. It's desirable, that you were examined also by the cardiologist or the therapist to exclude heart diseases. If you suffer any chronic diseases, you should address to corresponding expert.

How correctly to choose the Viagra dose?
Viagra is issued in three standard dosages: 25, 50 and 100 mg. Usually, Viagra is appointed in an average dosage: 50 mg. Other approach — to start treatment with the minimum dosage, increasing to good therapeutic (erect) effect. Besides it if you have possibility to buy Viagra without prescription it's necessary to search for an effective dosage in the accompanying instruction.

Whether Viagra influences ability to fertilisation?
Viagra does not interfere with ability to a child-bearing. However when potentiality infringements interfere with sex conception of child-creation, Viagra will create a benefit.

Whether Viagra for women is effective?
Viagra is created for men and is unrecommended for reception by women.

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