Modern electric bicycle — the comfortable, ecologically pure vehicle demanding the minimum expenses and thus as much as possible compact and mobile. Concerning high-speed characteristics on a horizontal site of road the electric bike without ceremony can to overtake a usual sports bicycle.
Electric happiness
Try to sweep on a usual bicycle with a speed of 25-30 km/h within 2 and more hours and you will understand, that the era of usual bikes for overcoming of long distances actually comes to an end… Travelling with comfort on this bike, you give yourselves unforgettable pleasure from possession this electric miracle!
In the USA, Japan, France and other most developed countries already now the electric cruiser can quite replace the second family car which usually use for trips on small distances, for example for shoping or to a work place. In garages, parkings, homes — the electromotorcycle takes places five times less, than the very small-sized car. And the most important thing, this type of transport does not pollute environment.
The bicycle was the first invention which has allowed the person to move only at the expense of own muscles. But as soon as a bicycle was born, inventors began to think how to increase power and speed.
From second half of last century, inventors tried to introduce alternative energy sources in a bike: the steam engine, the electromotor, petrol or even the jet engine. But only in 21st century high-grade folding electric bikes has reached apogee and completeness.
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