The Russian embassy in Lisbon has given up to citizens of Portugal in right to visit six-summer Russian Sashu whom they four years brought up.
History of the girl from Portugal
Alexander was born in Portugal at Russian Natalia Zarubinoj who was in the country illegally and earned additionally not some given by prostitution. When to the girl 17 months were executed, the decision of court of the city of Barselusha the girl have given on education to a married couple from Portugal. Referring to a court verdict, Portuguese newspaper Diário de Notícias informed, that during that moment the Notch was unable bring up the daughter as was engaged in prostitution and suffered an alcoholism.
The relation of mum to Sasha from Portugal
In 2008 the court of the city of Gimarajnsha has decided, that in business of education Alexanders it is necessary to give a priority to native mother, referring on so-called «biological roots are priority». The girl has lived In a reception family without small 4 years! Russian Larissa Vevchuk living in Portugal has reminded in interview Jornal de Notícias, that court Gimarajnsha has given the rights to education not to mother, and the grandmother living in the Yaroslavl area.
The Australian photographer has met face to face this fine mammal when floated with an aqualung in one of the rivers of southeast Queensland. Probably, from a healthy food and a regular life at a turtle on a head seaweed has grown, having transformed in a flash in a pank idol of local water area.
In the American bureau on unemployment the unemployed were built in turn and competed for workplaces.
Those who were not capable to pay for a shelter, built improvised "houses" of old boards and boxes. This "palace" (in a photo) has been constructed in New York.
Some, however, were content with spending the night in public organisations, such as Beacon Light Mission.
This organisation of a religious orientation has initially been created for the aid to seamen who, going into coast, could eat, be washed and have a rest in specially equipped hostels of Mission.
The unemployed and homeless citizens addressed in the public both private organisations and funds, after all till 1932 there were no state social programs for the help to the become impoverished people. On a photo — turn of the unemployed built behind meal, delivered to one of not numerous public funds, in New York, 1932
People searched for various ways though a little to lift the well-being. The person in a photo was engaged in sale of apples directly in streets of New York.
From crisis suffered not only the industry, but also agriculture.
Overproduction crisis there has become aggravated. The majority of farmers has appeared on the verge of ruin because of reduction of prices on agricultural products in 3 times. In a photo the farmer ploughs the earth by means of a cultivator on horsepower. As the majority of Afro-Americans were engaged in agriculture, they first of all have felt on themselves consequences of Great Depression.
To break a crisis situation, president Roosevelt has started to carry out neo-Conservative to the policy under the name "New course" which was characterised by the big intervention of the state in economy: it both price control, and initiation of association of manufacturers in the large enterprises, and the social program — an establishment of the minimum wages, the maximum working week, introduction of pensions to workers. The reached 65 years and another. It for some time has weakened the crisis phenomena in economy: industrial output in 1937 left on level of 1929 However the crisis phenomena the American economy continued to test up to the Second World War beginning.
For the last years Asia became one of the major world regions. The Hong Kong airport as anything other shows economic power of new owners of a planet. Created with the assistance of ubiquitous BECHTEL, this largest transport knot having at the order own monorail road and the broadest highway, possesses an ideal infrastructure. On management assurances, of a current of year the airport is capable to digest a human stream in 100 million passengers.
It, perhaps, unique place in the world where passenger Boeing 747 in a current of hour are capable to transform into the large-capacity cargo plane. This Asian titan suitably looks.
The bent roof of the airport as if wings of huge birds, it is directed in the sky. But the most effective kind gets the airport in the evening when the decline fills in mirror walls of the passenger terminal with golden light...
One of these days in Florida the 11-foot alligator, pretended to be a rug — wished suit to the mistress of the house a surprise. However an alligator has noticed the neighbour from the house opposite. Has warned, the bore, the mistress of the house, has caused service on catching of wild animals. In general, the surprise is not has gone right.
Friends. A post about bent for of a life. Qian Hongyan at the age of three years has got to car accident and... For the sake of rescue of a life doctors to amputate both feet. The poor family of the Chinese girl did not presume to itself expensive operation of prosthetics, therefore for convenience of movement to a body of the child parents have attached half of basketball ball. In ten years the girl having mastered the Chinese variant of an artificial limb registers in pool and begins active trainings, floating every day on (!) 2000 metres.
In 2007 this history was told by many news agencies of China, and this year the girl was performed at last operation on prosthetics of feet. Dream of the girl — a gold medal on Paralympic Games in London (2012) that promoted actively by trainers for a minute not doubting in success. Now, having high-grade artificial limbs, the girl continues to float as before with a basketball ball since as she said so it is easier to get out and smaller loading.
It's American pork farm Smithfield Farms in Mexican small town Perote. And the information about reddish lake of rather big such sizes I will better leave in the original, and that will pull out me…
"The "lagoon" is a pool composed of several millions of litres of pig faeces, but also blood and corpses, hence its delicate pink colour."
Who in general would doubt, what the hysteria concerning a new version of a flu — only to earn an occasion? Certainly most of all will cut down the World Organization of Public health services (certainly, it is necessary to show what not pears a horse-radish hill) and manufacturers of strongly patented medicines, but also small businessmen too from a part. Here only Coca-Cola for some reason does not please with release of a special anti-influenzal series…
This very rare natural phenomenon which is the twirled vertical column of fire with a smoke, moving like a tornado. The greatest reach several metres at width and tens metres in height.