Friday, February 18, 2011

Laser Epilation — the Most Effective Method of Hair Removal

Pure skin

The each woman's dream — a smooth, silk, gentle, velvety skin, to such skin is pleasant to touch. Many women use the razor, wax and other ways of hair removal. However hair grow again, there is an irritation, women spend precious time, but only laser removal allows to get rid of hair for ever.

Silk skinLaser hair removal it's the most effective method of removal of undesirable hair. Laser hair removal is recommended for achievement of cosmetic effect, but can be carried out and for medical decisions. During of laser hair removal, a hair follicle selectively collapses, the skin thus is not subject to negative influence.

Results of laser removal can be estimated at once after procedure. The pain of laser procedure is minimum as the laser has special system of cooling. After procedure probably small reddening of a skin which disappears in 15-30 minutes. The patient sees at once positive result which remains in a current of 2 months but if you want to get rid of all undesirable hair — it's necessary to carry out 4-5 procedures.

Velvet skin

Laser hair removal in UK

For many clients, a prominent aspect is cost of laser hair removal London. And it's absolutely fair. Certainly, it's delicate enough procedure, thus the prices vary. Especially all depends on used technologies. However if to think, how many money each woman spends for removal of hair in house conditions the conclusion is obvious — laser removal not too expensively and total price considerably below the sum of expenses on razors, skin creams, lady shavers, wax, etc.

The length of hair for performance of laser removal should be not less than 1-3 mm, besides, before procedure it's recommended to refuse solar visiting. Listen to my recommendations, and removal of hair will not bring to you any inconveniences, your skin always will be smooth and silky.

Smooth skin

6 Facts About Smoking

  1. Each 8 seconds, in the world dies 1 person, a cause of death — the tobacco.
  2. China is the native land of 300 million smokers which consume approximately 1.7 trillion cigarettes/Year (or 3 million cigarettes/min).
  3. Cigarettes — the most consumed product all over the World! Annually in the different countries 1 trillion cigarettes is on sale. The tobacco industry — the most profitable manufacture all over the World: the annual profit makes $400US billion.
  4. According to the World Health Organization data, about 25% of all sold cigarettes — counterfeit.
  5. In Holland tobacco smoking is strictly forbidden, but here if the cigarette of tobacco does not contain — smoke without problem! For this reason in Holland it is more safe to smoke marihuana.
  6. 95% of smokers after a myocardium heart attack give up smoking at once.

Cigarette urn
Cigarette bullet
Cigarette indicator
Decaying cigarette

A Separate Food = a Healthy Food

The healthy food

One of pledges of a healthy way of life is the separate food. Some consider that the healthy food is a separate food. I can tell that the element of truth in it really is. And still I can add that it's possible to start to feel taste of products in another way.

The separate food has arisen in the USA in the last century and was extended thanks to Hollywood Stars. Supporters of a separate food assert that it's an optimum way to accustom the organism to less plentiful food and to clean excess weight without too big restrictions.

Actually, according to physicians, a separate food can lead to shortage in an organism of nutrients, first of all vitamins and minerals, and also to cause metabolism infringement.

The separate food

The Life Style: Vegetarianism

The typical vegetarian

Vegetarianism (from Latin "vegetus" — strong, full of strength, vigorous, active) — a way of life characterised first of all by a food, excluding a flesh of all live beings (meat, bird, fish). As (quite often) vegetarians refuse use of other animal products, as in a food (milk of mammals, eggs), and also in a life (fur, skin, glycerine).

The argue about utility of a vegetarian way of life is a very long and constant dispute, but the fact remain the fact — the vegetarian are rather respectful.

Among vegetarians many known scientists, politicians, sportsmen, actors and etc. Itself I eat only fish (I do not eat fowl and meat).

The vegetarian

Monday, February 14, 2011

Symptoms of the Eye Floaters

Beautiful eyes

It's very important to check periodically a condition of each eye separately. Many eye illnesses can be diagnosed at an early stage.

Check up a condition of the eyes:

  1. Close one eye and look at any object on a horizon.
  2. Estimate quality of the central and peripheral sight, pay attention to the changes which have occurred since the previous check.
  3. Check up presence of hindrances on periphery of a field of vision.
  4. Pay attention to front spots and lightnings.
  5. If bad symptoms have a presence, ophthalmologists recommend to check the duration and expressiveness.
  6. Close other eye and repeat the same.
  7. Inform occurrence of new symptoms to the ophthalmologist.

If will sharp occurrence of a considerable quantity of new symptoms of deterioration of the eyes (for example: latin Opacitas Corporis Vitrei or english Eye Floaters) — immediately to visit of the ophthalmologist!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Depression — the Syndrome of 21th Century

Great Depression

Researches worldwide show: depression becomes the most widespread illness of our time. This widespread frustration which millions people suffer. According to different researchers, about 20% of the population of the developed countries are subject to depression.

Depression — serious disease which sharply reduces work capacity and brings suffering both to the patient, and relatives. Practically in all developed countries of a health service put efforts on propagation of data on depression and ways of treatment.

Depression — illness of all organism. Typical signs of depressions.
Depression symptoms are very various and vary depending on the disease form. I will list the most typical signs of this frustration.

Emotional Symptoms

* DepressionMelancholy, suffering, the oppressed, suppressed mood, despair, irritability.
* Alarm, feeling of internal pressure, trouble expectation.
* Sense of guilt, frequent self-charges.
* Depression is often combined with alarm about health and destiny of relatives, and also with fear to seem insolvent in public places.

Physiological Symptoms

Irritability * The sleeplessness, drowsiness.
* Appetite changes (loss or an overeating).
* Infringement of function of intestines.
* Decrease of sexual activity.
* Energy decrease, weakness.
* Pains and various unpleasant sensations in a body (for example, in heart, in the field of a stomach, in muscles).

Behavioural Symptoms

* Passivity, difficulties of involving in purposeful activity.
* Avoiding of contacts (propensity to a solitude).
* Refusal of entertainments.
* Abusing the psychoactive substances giving time simplification.

Cogitative Symptoms

* Difficulties of concentration.
* Difficulties of decision-making.
* Prevalence of gloomy, negative thoughts about the life, about the world as a whole.
* Gloomy, pessimistic vision of the future with absence of prospect.
* Presence of thoughts about own uselessness, insignificance, feebleness.
* Slowness of thinking.

Frequently people do not possess the necessary information and misunderstand the nature of the depression. It seems to them if their state of health is connected with clear vital difficulties, it not depression, and normal human reaction which will pass. Quite often happens and so that physiological symptoms of depression promote belief formation about presence of serious somatic diseases.


Efficiency of treatment of depression depends on adequacy of therapeutic actions. Biological treatment of depression first of all includes pharmacological therapy. At the same time for biological treatment of depression can be used: effective medical products (Valocordin, Wellbutrin, Validolum, Novo-passit), electroconvulsive therapy, phototherapy, dietary therapy, therapy by medicinal grasses (Tinctura Paeoniae, Herba Leonuri, Extractum Passiflorae fluidum).

MelancholyAmong medicamentous means of treatment of depression energizers are most often applied, however in the course of therapy of this disease, also use other preparations: tranquilizers, vitamins, hormones, antioxidants, lithium salts, the medicines improving a metabolism of cages of a brain, and other medical products.

It's necessary to notice that energizers can be effective also at treatment of alarm, fear, a migraine, a bulimia, vegetative crises and even at elimination of pains of a various origin as energizers usually raise a threshold of painful sensitivity.

Treatment of signs of depression can be spent by means of psychotherapy. Many patients test a false alarm concerning constant dependence on energizers. It's important to remember that the medicinal recipe needs to be received from the attending physician, only then it's possible to go towards a local drugstore (Pharmacy No RX Needed).