If you want to quit smoking and have a few folks around you who used to be smokers in the past, you will probably be told to rely only on your gut and determination to quit this habit and stay quit. But that's easier said than done. Quitting is difficult and it is not a bad idea to turn to medication for help. Champix can be your choice in this regard.
Why do I need a medicine? Can't I quit smoking on my own?
Yes, you can stop smoking without the help of any external aid and lead a healthy life afterwards. But it is estimated that about 10% of people who quit smoking on their own resume their nicotine addiction within a year. That's how difficult it is to cope with the nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Champix varenicline can help you stay smoke-free for the rest of your life by helping you overcome the nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
What are nicotine withdrawal symptoms?
Smoking is a habit and as with any other habit, smokers get used to it. So when you quit, or give an honest try to quit, you struggle to get over your long-pursued habit. You can understand the impact of nicotine on your senses if you could stay away from a cigarette for a couple of days. You will feel restless and irritable, and don't be surprised if you get a few weird mood swings either. These are the nicotine withdrawal symptoms that Champix can deal with effectively.
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