Hormonal method (medicamentous method)
Treatment is carried out strictly under the control of the attending physician. Individually should be taken into consideration: age, hormonal level, sexual activity, structure of tablets and many other things man's hormonal factors. After the puberty termination — hormonal therapy is impossible, since it can negatively affect hormonal system and an organism as a whole.
Vacuum method

Use of a vacuum method can have by-effects: the blood congestion can lead to rupture of capillaries. Therefore use of a vacuum pomp cannot be frequent.
The Thai method
The formula which promotes penis enlargement, does not allow to grow up in usual conditions, for creation use the closed plantations with observance of necessary conditions and under the hard scientific control.
Depending on specific features, the Thai method allows to really increase a penis (with preservation of the reached results). The effect is reached by powerful strengthening of blood supply of all blood vessels, thereby extending a penis. Age of use of this method: from 18 till 55 years. It's not recommended to use at skin diseases and inflammatory processes of urinogenital system.
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