Almost 900 years BC, in the medical treatises of the Ancient Egypt have been fixed the first messages about the useful properties of the honey.
The Honey — A Lot Of Vitamins & Minerals
The fact that use of 100 gm of honey provide to the person the vitamins and all necessary minerals for an active life for a day. According to a health information the fundamental components of the honey improve digestive processes. Also the honey possesses bactericidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory actions, it apply at treatment of various diseases.

Many sorts of honey are known, and each of them possesses the useful properties. How to define the most useful?
The aroma of honey depends on the substances containing in flower plants. At all kinds of honey very sweet taste, but at the tobacco and the chestnut — a bit bitterish.
It's impossible to allocate the most useful kind of honey. Everyone has the advantages. To patients with the syndromes of anemia will be help any honey from meadow, and the honey received from gathering on a mellifluous acacia will help improve blood circulation and makes active digestive processes.
A modern scientists well study salutary abilities of honey. At preventive actions it's necessary correctly to choose a dosage of the honey. Anyhow, treatment by honey is the non-conventional therapy, and use the honey in a combination with other medical products.
Despite existing contra-indications to the honey use, they is insignificant are small in comparison with conclusive advantage of the honey. Constantly using honey, it's possible to raise essentially immunity and firmness of an organism to infections and to prolong your healthy life.
Also an excellent bee product — the propolis. The word of «propolis» occurs from the Greek «propolis» — to cover, close up. Really, other name of the propolis — the bee's glue.
By Means of the Propolis are Treated:
- The diseases of respiratory ways.
- The vascular diseases.
- The liver illnesses.
- The skin diseases.
- The stomatologic diseases.
- The gynecologic inflammatory diseases.
- The surgical illnesses.
- The eye illnesses.
- The infringements of nervous system.
- The hair problems.
In the house conditions the propolis often apply at various diseases, such as: a grazes, a quinsy, a bronchitis, a gastritis aggravation, stomach ulcer and illnesses of intestines. This healthy eating — one of components of healthy life.
But it's necessary to remember that uncontrolled application of the propolis is frequently fraught with complications of the allergic character, therefore before the propolis will be used — start up the consultation with the personal doctor.